Sunday, March 8, 2015

SSPX Teaching Sisters Reported on EWTN

Edit: on February 13th, we picked up a report on the SSPX Dominican Sisters of Fanjeau on a pilgrimage in Rome.  EWTN has picked it up now.
A group of girls and accompanying nuns made a unique pilgrimage to St. Peter’s in February.  
The nuns are the “teaching sisters” - Dominicans - and they were celebrating a special occasion with children from their schools in the US, France and Germany.  
There’s a unique twist to this story. The Society of St. Pius the Tenth priests and the “teaching sisters” accompanying the pilgrimage are not in full communion with the Church in Rome. 
They have maintained opposition to some teachings and implementations of reforms from the Second Vatican Council.


  1. Council worship is a sinMarch 8, 2015 at 1:37 PM

    Jesus Christ too...maintains opposition to some teachings and implementations of reforms from the Second Vatican Council.

    1. That's the truth.

    2. How could you possibly prove this assertion?

  2. That video is really... Catholic.

    The nuns at my school were fat baby boomers in sweat pants, they had buzz cuts, said the gender neutral Sign of the Cross, let us watch movies like Road Trip that had boobs and toiler humor and a host of other things I thought were awesome when I was an apostatizing teenager.

    Growing up I always had a revulsion to nuns, I always assumed they were just lesbian bull dykes who were afraid to come out before the sexual revolution. Thankfully I was wrong, there are still beautiful and pious nuns in this world. I just wanna give these nuns in this video a hug, a bouquet of flowers and a generous alms-giving. Chastity and Virginity is such a beautiful thing, especially in this world we live in, these nuns are a great example to us all.

    Thank you Abp. Lefebvre for restoring my faith in the Faith. I was a militant anti-Catholic before discovering Tradition. Now that I think of it, I didn't really know what Catholicism truly was, so I guess I was a militant anti-Modernist.

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  3. The real twist is this question. Is Rome today in 2015 in union with Eternal Rome? The condemned heresy of modernism now runs Rome. Many of Rome's Prelates are no longer in union with the Church of Rome, they are in de facto schism. The SSPX is in a 100% union with Eternal Rome.

    1. Can you name the prelates who are 'no longer in union with the Church of Rome?'

      SSPX is not in communion with Rome and, I suspect, that is the least of their problems.

    2. Sure, how about we start with Cardinal Casper? He hasn't even been Catholic in 30 years at least. Ipso facto my friend, ipso facto

    3. What's your name? Then we will know at least one.

  4. True. If one opposes any part of the Deposit of Faith or the moral law, one is not faithful to God or His Holy Church (Eternal Rome as you put it).

  5. Can I list those in Rome not in union with Eternal Rome? Scripture says, ", Judge the spirits". Just take a good look at the Synod of Bishops of 2014, and look at those Prelates who wanted to change Divine Law, including Pope Francis 1. I dare Rome to tell us clearly, What is actually union with the Church? And then lets ask the SSPX to define to us what union with Eternal Rome actually is. Let us judge the spirits.

  6. One thing that bothered me was the assertion "If you're not Roman, then you're not really Catholic."

    What does that make the Ukrainian, Melkite, Maronite, and all the other 20+ Non-Roman Catholics? Just second class Catholics? Crypto-Orthodox? Should we go into their churches and put our traditional Latin devotions, force them to say "the correct way of praying the Rosary", and condescend to them because of their misguided sort of Christianity, tainted by the Schismatic Orthodox? The sort of actions made by the Latin bishop of Goa Aleixo de Menezes, who burned the Syriac copies of the Bible, and purged the Liturgy that was handed to the Indians by St. Thomas and his disciples?

    I don't see the SSPX uniting with Rome soon. Nor do I think will the current Papacy, and the one after that, will be anything significant beyond a fountain for one-liners and quotables for the secular media and a never-ending source of consternation for traditionalists of all sorts.

    Meanwhile, Eastern Christians actually die for their faith. Orthodox or Catholic.

    Western Christians merely argue over it- to the effect of wasted time, effort, and energy.

    1. Anonymous, You say you "don't see the SSPX uniting with Rome soon". I both agree and disagree at the same time. In the beginning of this Pontificate the SSPX went on record to say they were grateful to God and Our Lady that they did not sign an agreement with Rome. They clearly saw the disaster that was coming. They are still willing to sign an agreement, which is but a mere formality, but I'm sure that Rome will have to guarantee that the SSPX will not be treated as they did the FFI and the 3 Traditional friendly Bishops. I consider Traditionalists including the SSPX as God's perfect storm against the modernist heresy. Why else would Pope Francis many times publicly vent out his anger and frustration with Traditionalists? We are considered as being in the way of true progress, when their idea of true progress is a grave offense against the Creator.

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  8. Heaven forfend that a Roman Catholic should be Roman....

    1. Roman Catholic church does not equal the whole Catholic church....that's the point. There's also a Greek Catholic church, Coptic Catholic church, etc. etc. Rome is just a small part of the Catholic church.....or do you think only Italians can go to heaven?

    2. Even Uniates are Roman, or they'd better be.

    3. Anonymous, The Greek Catholics, Coptic etc... are in fact Roman Catholics. Roman Catholicism embraces many different Rites. We here belong to the Latin Rite which is part of the Holy Roman Catholic Church. This means the Latin Rite is not the whole of Roman Catholicism, but a part of it. Roman Catholic because St. Peter the first Pope established his See there and died there in Rome. I learned that from a Priest's sermon.

    4. Historically speaking, even the Orthodox are Roman, albeit Eastern Roman, aka Romaioi.
