Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Pope Francis is a New Psalmist and a New Bernard of Clairvaux?

(Rome) Yesterday  reported on the Papal Consultant Enzo Bianchi and the unusual visitation of the "monastery" of Bose (see Papal Visitations and Interconfessional "Monastery" Bose ). Today, the "Prior" was on hand to pay tribute to Pope Francis and applaud his Christmas spanking, which he dealt to  Curia employees on Monday. Pope Francis is a new Psalmist and a new Bernard of Clairvaux? Yes, says the progressive papal minion Enzo Bianchi, " no one has spoken like this for a thousand years."
In a commentary for Vatican Insider, Bianchi wrote: "No one has  spoken as Pope Francis in the last few years.Yesterday he said, with Parrhesia, what he thinks only excluding adumbrated language and without any diplomatic style."
The speech with which he diagnosed as the "diseases" and "sins" of the Curia staff, of which some speak rather of a public statement with no ifs or buts, and he recalls - according to Enzo Bianchi - of what a Saint Bernard of Clairvaux in the 11th century dared to say to the Pope. "Words that few knew how to write against ecclesiastical vice at a time and to say, that  a reform of the Church in capite et in corpore was urgently needed," said Bianchi.

Bianchi's Little Confusion About Roles

Bianchi overlooked  a small but not insignificant difference in his equation:  the medieval Abbot Bernard of Clairevaux addressed himself as a "subordinate" to the higher ranking Pope, it is  Pope Francis the manager who reprimanded his subordinates.
But Enzo Bianchi holds, ever the  courtier, not with such details, but rather forms the Pope's speech in a series of  Psalms, specifically Psalm 101. In his enthusiasm, the progressive Bianchi is quite "traditionalist" and raves about the desert fathers, to create catalogs of sin. "Still, the generations of Christians, like mine, have been formed before the Second Vatican Council had a register of sins available, in thought, word, works and omissions  to prepare for the Sacrament of Penance and to perform a thorough personal examination of conscience about their own inadequacy in comparison to the requirements of the Ten Commandments. "
In addition to Parrhesia, Bernard of Clairvaux, Psalms, desert fathers and consciousness of pre-Conciliar sin, the papal  Consultant also recognizes the Jesuit tradition of St. Ignatius of Loyola in the   Christmas scolding of the Curia. In the middle of  the Papal Sin catalog, says the "Prior"  of Bose, is the "power" which was a "key temptation", with which  "the demon tried Jesus Christ." "Yes, the unquenchable thirst for power enables he who gives himself  the right  to defame him and others in the newspapers and blogs with the help of willing journalists, even hate  made to order, with defamation and slander."

"Pope Invents Nothing, He Just Reads Everyday About the Deformities of the Church"

Was the Pope right in his harsh criticism? Yes, says Enzo Bianchi: "Pope Francis invents nothing, he just reads  everyday, about the deformed and disfigured Church as the Body of Christ. It is an incisive analysis, which is also the result of daily experience in the 21 months of this pontificate; not an investigation of the past and the scandals before his election, but the continuing presence."
The Pope addresses in his speech "rich in biblical quotations and references to his letter Evangelii Gaudium, the testament to the roots of his words and actions in the Word of God," a " universal antidote for these pathologies," said Bianchi: the " understanding of the Church as the mystical body of Christ. '"  Including that doesn't mean the traditional understanding of the Church, although Bianchi uses words like "traditional" and "handed down"  and "tradition" frequently, this is the  "Prior's" bridge in the controversial formula of "primacy of love" which is clearly accented by the schismatic denominations to negate the papal primacy of jurisdiction. It's a position that Bianchi has embraced for a long time, since he sees the main obstacle to unity among Christians in the papacy.

"Am I a Man of God or a Trustee of Satan?"

 Bianchi, reads into  the Pope even more, as he mentions "an intimate unity of this dynamic body, and each member with the Lord." It is otherwise Pope Francis' exhortation to  every Christian, but especially applicable to  all, to take responsibility and have  in pastoral care, to understand, as he asks you to ask yourself: "Am I a man of God or a trustee of Satan ?"  An alternative does not exist, says Bianchi, because "if it is true that we are all tempted and all fall, then it is also true that the break between each occurs in that fall and  getting up again by confessing to be a sinner, and those who accept that they  fall, that they are corrupt and may even present themselves as fair and good people to others. "
The path of Pope Francis "is more gritty than any functional reform, but without a doubt innovative and at the same time deeply rooted in authentic Christian tradition:  to lead the bureaucratic apparatus Church back to its real nature of a community body in the service of the universal Church." They would say, "the diseases are so numerous, serious and widespread that rapid recovery is unlikely." In particular, the recovery time was not without the risk of relapse. "And we know well that the prerequisite for any effective treatment is an accurate diagnosis and for this the words of Pope Francis are extremely useful".

"The Farther Francis Follows this Path, the More he Will Unleash Demonic Forces"

Enzo Bianchi, therefore, concludes: "I wrote it and write it again: Pope Francis makes himself the echo of the Gospel, and his passion for the gospel leads him to the life of the Church and of each member to be faithful to the measure of the Gospel. Let us have no illusions but the more the Pope  goes on this route, the more he will unleash demonic forces acting in history and the result for the real believers will be to visualize the cross of Christ. It is not true that there will then become more comfortable in the Church; the opposite is true, the Church can only follow Jesus in  painful rejection and persecution, and they will not achieve worldly success when they embody the message of their Lord. "
That's the commentary by Enzo Bianchi, who has been since last July, the Consultant of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity and "Prior" of the ecumenical progressive lay community of Bose, who because of the transport with good reason, like other progressive, senses his changing good fortune in the morning air.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: Chiesa e Postconcilio
Trans: Tancred
Link to Katholisches...


Anonymous said...

Until he preaches a crusade for Nineveh against the Islamic State, there is NO comparison to that holy saint of Clairvaux.

Speaking for Everyone said...

Merry Christmas, Tancred!