At approximately 11:00 pm and midnight on November 9, 2002, leaving Metten Court, a dormitory on the north end of St. John's University campus in Collegeville, Minnnesota, Josh Guimond disappeared. His clothes, his wallet and car were all undisturbed. He has been missing for 12 years this November.
Joshua Wetterling also disappeared on October 22nd, 1989 in close by St. Joseph. Pine Curtain draws a connection between the Wetterlings and the a monk named Tom Gillespie. The concerned monk consoled the Wetterlings when their son disappeared.
We're posting this to draw attention again to the evident corruption at one of the most famous Benedictine Monasteries in the world, if not the largest, and despite the ample evidence of serious corruption and negligence on the part of the monks, to say nothing of a singular indifference and hostility to the Catholic Faith which they claim to hold, there is not the slightest hint of an investigation, no calls for the resignation of the abbot, or the seizing of its assets by an Apostoilic Visitor.
Not even the local community has been moved to do anything about this resident evil.
Link to the Pine Curtain about the disappearance, and analysis by Immelman Turn.
If you think it will do any good (it can't hurt), please contact the Papal Nuncio, Archbishop Carlo Vignano:
3339 Massachusetts Ave NW, Washington, D.C. 20008
What they need is a Sharryl Atkinson to do for them what,she did for the Fast and Furious murder of border guard. They need a pitbull to bite onto their ass and not let go.
Yes, but they are not committing the greatest 'crime' in the modernist church which is to offer the TLM. That might get a commissar.
If we've learned anything since 2002 and Boston, it is that “The Church” can not be trusted to police itself. The hierarchy of “The Church” has demonstrated neither the integrity nor the will to address and to root out the decay within its ranks. Indeed, those with the authority to affect remedial action either ignored the wickedness (Qui tacet consentire videtur) or, in some cases, fostered it.
Only when the scandals were made public were changes forthcomming. It was not “The Church” but rather State's Attorneys, Plaintiff's Attorneys and the secualr press (The Boston Globe) that first exposed and then addressed the decades long scandal within “The Church.” The result cost billions of dollars along with an immeasuarable loss of credibility and moral authority once held by “The Church” both among non-Catholics and Catholics as well.
Forget the letter to the Nuncio. If one is so inclined, instead send a letter to the The Office of the County Attorney
with a copy to The Saint Cloud Times.
In addition, send of copy of that same letter outlining the disgusting behavior at the Benedictine Abbey to every bishop in the Province of Saint Paul and Minneapolis.
Boston only confirmed my belief that the abuse hoax was enforced selectively. Law was set up for a media blitz while Raj Mahony the Phony was largely ignored for another 10 years, and mostly then until he was sent into "early" retirement.
If the Church can't manage itself as you say, don't expect much more from the government.
But don't you al know....this is the kind of thing that Pope Francis thinks is ok. But any priests, monastery or religious Order try to promote the Tridentine Latin Mass, and he'll try to pound you into the ground.
The pope is an easy and a juicy target. But, who were the men responsible for electing him and who was it that appointed those men? Was it not “The Great One” and BXVI who appointed the majority of the 115 Cardinal electors?
That being the case, it's time to acknowledge the elephant in the room and that is that the problems within the Catholic Church go far beyond Francis.
The chaos, modernism, apostasy, heresy, etc., within the Church is an example of the permissive will of God which allows evil to occur even within His Church. Perhaps it's a well deserved chastisement? We don't know but we do know what happened in the OT.
Because of their sins, as II Kings 17:18-20 indicates
God was very angry with Israel, and removed them from His sight. . . . Also Judah did not keep the commandments of the LORD their God, but walked in the statutes of Israel which they made. And the LORD rejected all the descendants of Israel, afflicted them, and delivered them into the hand of plunders, until He had cast them from His sight.
Benedict had a habit of appointing his enemies to important jobs and if you think the government should manage the Church, you're in good company with a long line of heretics and tyrants who've been pushing up daisies for many a year.
The well respected, brilliant, conservative author, journalist and Catholic William Buckley (RIP) once remarked:
I am obliged to confess I should sooner live in a society governed by the first two thousand names in the Boston telephone directory than in a society governed by the two thousand faculty members of Harvard University.
I'm not exactly sure how that quote would apply to our situation but perhaps...
I am obliged to confess I should sooner be the member of a Church governed by the first five thousand names in the telephone directory of Rome than in a Church governed by the five thousand ne'er-do-well bishops who currently govern the Roman Catholic Church. (Exceptions duly noted)
Another quote from Buckley made back in 1979:
As a Catholic, I have abandoned hope for the liturgy, which, in the typical American church, is as ugly and as maladroit as if it had been composed by Robert Ingersoll and H.L. Menchen for the purpose of driving people away. Incidentally, the modern liturgists are doing a remarkably good job, attendance at Catholic Mass on Sunday having dropped sharply in the 10 years since a few well-meaning cretins got hold of the power to vernacularize the Mass, and the money to scour the earth in search of the most unmusical men and women to preside over the translation. The next liturgical ceremony conducted primarily for my benefit, since I have no plans to be beatified or remarried, will be my own funeral; and it is a source of great consolation to me that, at my funeral, I shall be quite dead, and will not need to listen to the accepted replacement for the noble old Latin liturgy. Meanwhile, I am practicing Yoga, so that, at church on Sundays, I can develop the power to tune out everything I hear, while attempting, athwart the general calisthenics, to commune with my Maker, and ask Him first to forgive me my own sins, and implore him, second, not to forgive the people who ruined the Mass.
Maybe it's time for you to become an episcopalian, or a pagan?
The alternative to being Catholic isn't that bad as Michael Davies used to say, "eat, drink and be merry."
I don't understand what you mean. Have I ever said the government should govern the church? I would never have said such a thing since the government is the one institution that is considerably more corrupt than "The Church." Yet, you suggested that I did?
...if you think the government should manage the Church, you're in good company with a long line of heretics and tyrants who've been pushing up daisies for many a year.
What is non-productive is to witness the daily internet critiques of Francis when he is a merely a symptom of what adversely affects the Church and clearly not the cause which was present long before his pontificate. As I wrote, the cause/s are much more pervasive than the Argentine Man in White.
Your program of government oversight of religion goes against Catholic teaching itself, and an overwhelming presence of heresy and error in the Church isn't exactly new, either.
Your program of government oversight...
Could you point out what I have written that could possibly lead you to believe that I trusted government oversight for anything especially ecclesiastical affairs. The government in this country is unable to govern even secular affairs adequately much less could it ever effectively govern the Church.
Look, concerned Catholics (especially those of us who cherish our traditions) agree that the Catholic Church is in serious trouble both in the U.S. and around the world and those troubles are not being addressed by its leaders. More secular government is not the answer for anything and, in most cases, it creates more problems (more regulations limiting economic growth, higher taxes thwarting growth and generational dependency discouraging individual initiative) than it solves.
However, despite all the above, in my dreams I wish Antonin Scalia were pope and I was one of his inner circle who was sent out to crack skulls and enforce the rules. :)
Why this abbey cannot be closed or receive a 'visitation' I don't know. Perhaps homosexualist blackmailing.
One would have thought the Benedictines would be ashamed to have his known worldwide and at least do something about it, especially as Benedictines seem to have a vocation to teach. Why haven't Benedictine abbots voiced their opinions and facilitated the closing of this school?
Poor boys.
Because it's a progressive bastion.
You specifically stated that the Church and its leaders can't be trusted and need government intervention.
Indeed, this problem has been long discussed by others, Malachi Martin, for example, and the Globe was only a latecomer. If you believe that te hierarchy as a whole is incapable of handling the issue, then I suppose it's easy to draw the conclusion that you see the government as the only resort.
"Only when the scandals were made public were changes forthcomming. It was not “The Church” but rather State's Attorneys, Plaintiff's Attorneys and the secualr press (The Boston Globe) that first exposed and then addressed the decades long scandal within “The Church.” The result cost billions of dollars along with an immeasuarable loss of credibility and moral authority once held by “The Church” both among non-Catholics and Catholics as well.
Forget the letter to the Nuncio. If one is so inclined, instead send a letter to the The Office of the County Attorney
Holy Cannoli said...
You specifically stated that the Church and its leaders can't be trusted and need government intervention.
Do you honestly believe that the leaders of the Catholic Church can be trusted to report criminal activity to proper authorities? If you do, what evidence do you have to support it? The above Benedictine Abbey news item? Boston? Chicago? L.A.?
Do you have evidence that Catholic bishops could be trusted to report sexual abuse (a criminal act) by clerics within their jurisdiction to the police or does the history show that they attempted to cover the crimes up and reassign those who were credibly accused?
These are rhetorical questions. The obvious answer is that we have indisputable evidence that the Church can not be trusted to police its own clerics and only when secularists including State's Attorneys, Plaintiff's attorneys and the press blew these criminal activities wide open was it then properly addressed and, when warranted, prosecuted.
I don't believe that the authorities and its handmaiden the media will hold places like the aforementioned sites accountable, but they will blame Catholicism in general and punish conservative churchmen disproportionately to the rest, while further eroding the authority of the Church as a whole.
People like Schonborn and Marx just set the stage for the storm and wait patiently for it to happen.
No ones going to hold them responsive for THEIR sexual predators.
...they (secular players) will blame Catholicism in general.... further eroding the authority of the Church as a whole.
This is true and it's one of the consequences of the evil that was allowed to grow within the Church.
Numerous times on the net I have seen Catholics attempt to defend the sexual abuse by priests by saying something like “Well, it also happens in Protestant churches, Jewish synagogues, public schools, families, etc as well.” Predatory sexual abuse is everywhere, you know.
To me, this is no defense (sure we're guilty but so is the other guy) of the child abuse that has occurred and, in my opinion, is still occurring. Ought not the Catholic Church, the spotless Bride of Christ founded by the Son of the God, be held to the highest standard of holiness? I believe it should and in that it has failed miserably.
Well, it is everywhere, but nobody cares to look for root causes or assign blame to an institution, unless it's an institution which opposes their consensus, like the Catholic Church, or less importantly, the Boy Scouts, who recently crumbled to gender ideology despite their previous resistance to it.
The movement to normalize sexual activity between persons of the same gender, for example, has many pederasts in its leadership, but no one is calling for more oversight of them and their organization. No one, not even the activists and their confreres in Hollywood, are asking that the movement and Aberrosexuals in general, should be held accountable.
I'll tell you who you can't trust, it's the media entertainment complex and the people behind it.
Actually you can trust the "media entertainment complex." As an arm of the Democrat party, you can definitely trust them to follow a totally leftist, socialist/commie, big government, pro-sodomy, against the will of the people template. As such they will NOT expose/critique LGBT organizations primarily because members of those organizations have co-opted the same "media entertainment complex." This is a given.
When members/supporters of LGBT organizations pressure (perhaps due to infiltration) the Bride of Christ to do their bidding and promote degeneracy, that's a different matter entirely and ought not be tolerated despite what ANY CLERIC may say.
You can trust them to misrepresent reality, sure. Scroll down. No one's paying attention to the aberrosexual activist who got arrested for pedophilia, or the 500 plus victims at a government run orphanage in Austria who were used as sex slaves for prominent Socialists and Leftists.
You've been so busy trying to hold the Church to a higher standard, you've entirely missed just how corrupt this game is.
You've been so busy trying to hold the Church to a higher standard,
I am busy? LOL
I wish I was more like you and did not have such a "higher standard" for the Church. Let's accept mediocrity or less just as Sacred Scripture advises.
Be you therefore perfect, as also your heavenly Father is perfect. Matthew 5:48
You are mistaken to write that no one at the local level is trying to do anything about this. I have written the Papal Nuncio, the Vatican, and the last two bishops of the St. Cloud Diocese...nothing happens, and no one writes you back. The monks of St. John's Abbey should--almost to a monk--should be cuffed. This place should be investigated, shuttered, and re-staffed. They have done great harm, and this has utterly weakened the College of St. Benedict and St. John's University, which every year grow more secular. I worked there for over 30 years, and could fill these pages with horror stories. We need action on this now...the monks of St. John's Abbey have created a special club that is completely gay, dissident, and harmful. Want proof? Watch this St. John's monk Bob Pierson vomiting lies to Catholics for Choice a couple of years back: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NXB8eACUwjM
I'm just pointing out that the Church is held to an arbitrary standard that if it were applied to everyone else, would have quite a few secular leaders handing in their resignations who are otherwise safely in their positions.
I nowhere said no one is doing anything about this on the local level, but there have been no arrests, there's no real apparent concern from the hierarchy, and the government certainly hasn't taken any steps to deal with the problem.
The problem with St. John's is that it probably hasn't been actually Catholic for half a century if not longer, and it's been a real promoter of Modernism for longer than that.
Also, if you have some horror stories, I'd be glad to publish them, please share.
If there is one organization in the world that has a "Secret Service" better than the British MI6, or the American CIA, or the Israeli Mossad or even whatever the name is now of the Russian Secret Service, it is the Vatican. What they don't want you to know will never be known. Look what they did with the case of Cedric Tornay, the young Swiss Guard who was definitely murdered inside the Vatican. No-one has stepped forward yet to tell the truth of this affair and you can bet that none will. In the United States where the Government prides itself on a system whereby it's unarmed citizens can be murdered by it's very own police forces, one would think that someone would get interested in St. John's. Remove the Police Chief and anyone else connected to the Alumni, appoint a special prosecutor and allow the chips to fall where they may. That's the only way these poor young chaps will ever get any justice and their families any closure.
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