Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Bishops AWOL on the Death of the Boy Scouts: One Catholic Parish is Clear

Edit: while the USCCB, and its constellation of cockroaches, brood parasites and hyenas, have issued its usual mealy-mouthed statement on issues of the day, other organizations have been less compromising.  As Stella Borealis reports, at least one parish. St. Agnes, in St. Paul, Minnesota has made a rather unequivocal statement and disolved its association with the Boy Scouts of America.  Here's what Father Mark Moriarty  said, citing a need to protect the innocence of children:

The Boy Scouts of America National Council recently voted  to approve a resolution to change the membership policy:  “No youth may be denied membership in the Boy Scouts of  America on the basis of sexual orientation or preference  alone. “ 
 After discussing the unfortunate state of affairs  with the leadership of Troop 592 and Pack 592, as head of  the chartering institution, I have decided to withdraw the sponsorship role of Saint Agnes.  
The Troop and Pack leadership have, in turn, decided to dissolve their association  with the BSA.  The last 592 Troop and Pack meeting will take place on  Monday, June 10th. At that gathering we will have an official striking of the Troop and Pack flags, which will then be  placed in the parish archives in the hopes that they may  someday be used again in more favorable circumstances. 
Michael Voris is one of the few Catholic bloggers to have addressed the issue.


  1. Everything I have to say about this outrage are
    statements except one, a question. How many youth declare themselves homosexual ? If a child
    of heterosexual parents hints at such thinking
    or declaration the parents should say "don't be ridiculous",
    and explain to them the matter of fact fact that
    males are males, females are females and what that means, period. Then parents should be aware
    but not obviously and check this ridiculous notion before society has led another quite normal young person to perversion.

  2. Thank you for posting this. I knew I could trust Fr. Moriarty to do and say what was needed. God bless him always!
