Wednesday, April 17, 2013

France Braces for New Demonstrations Against Aberromarriage on Sunday

The Das christliche Konzept der Menschenwürde sei in Frankreich nicht mehr als ethische Referenz anerkannt, sagte der Pariser Erzbischof, Kardinal Andre Vingt-Trois, bei der Frühjahrsvollversammlung der französischen Bischofskonferenz

Paris ( according to the President of the French Bishop's Conference, Cardinal Andre Vingt-Trois (Foto), Christendom has lost its spiritual dimension. The Christian concept of human worth is now recognized as nothing more than an ethical reference, said the French Archbishop in connection with the the Spring Convocation of French Bishops on Tuesday in Paris. As an example he described the planned introduction of same-sex marriage and of the adoption right for homosexuals, whose backers advocate not recognizing the difference of the sexes.

Vingt-Trois called upon French Christians to actively address their faith in daily life and to change society in this way long term. The various month long demonstrations of different social groups against "homosexual marriage" was described by the Cardinal as "the echo of our point of view". The bishops are meeting till Thursday.

From Wednesday the French National Assembly are deliberating in a second address about the controversial legal project for the legalization of same-sex marriage. The independent association "manif pour tous" has renewed in the meantime it's calls for a demonstration against "homo-marriage" on Sunday in Paris.

On Friday the French Senate had consented in its first deliberation in any case to adopt more alterations to the legislative text. Already since the middle of February the French National Assembly had drafted in its first deliberation passing with a large majority. Then when both parliamentary chambers have agreed to the entire text, then it can go into power. According to the wish of Socialist President Francois Hollande the new regulations will go into effect in the first half of 2013.

Séance d'ouverture de la CEF - Discours d´ouverture de l´assemblée, prononcée par le Cardinal André Vingt-Trois, Président


Anonymous said...

It's good to hear this from the Cardinal. I can't say that what I'm aware of is accurate. But when I've tried to find evidence of the Bishops presence at the Marches I couldn't. But perhaps the French media made a point of not highlighting their presence.

Tancred said...

The Cardinal Primate was present at the first march in January at the field of Mars but the Church has been a bit wary of the other participants in the march. Some of the costumes worn by the participants recall the disastrous 1789 Revolt.

Anonymous said...

Thanks. That is also good to hear of the Cardinal Primate. And understandable that they don't wish to share space with some of the participants. Radicals, hooligans ,Revolutionaires.