Thursday, October 25, 2012

Immemorial Latin Mass at the Pantheon in November

Edit: This Roman event is being reported at the Tradizione nella Ronnovamento  site courtesy of Orbis Catholicus.

The cultural movement Rinnovamento nella Tradizione and the association of Mafalda e Giovanna di Savoia invite all to their annual Solemn High Mass in the Extraordinary Form celebrated in the presence of members of the Royal Family at the Basilica of Santa Maria ad Martyres - the Pantheon - on Saturday, November 10, 2012 at 12 o'clock noon.


  1. I hope these Traditional Latin Masses inspire folks to learn what else they've been denied these past decades, like the Catholic Church's infallible Teaching. Then they can go out like the Confirmed soldiers that they are and refute the errors when they hear them. No Catholic should be content to sit in our pew each Sunday content to have the Holy Mass, and think that there is nothing more to be had. We need to descend from Mt. Tabor in order to grow to be holy Catholics and help others to do the same, lest we be like the Bad Steward. There is more to the Faith and to fighting our battle here on earth than the Mass alone. There are eternal Catholic TRUTHS that are our weapons for fighting the errors put forth by those through whom the Devil speaks. It is not the Traditional Mass alone that we need but also all the teachings that came from Jesus and have been transmitted faithfully and uninterrupted for 200 centuries. I fully trust that the graces received by attendance at these Holy Masses will inspire us all to knowledge of The Faith, a healthy Catholic militancy, humility and personal piety.

    Thank you Archbishop LeFebvre. Thank you, Bishop Fellay.

  2. If the Japanese could keep the Catholic Faith for hundreds of years without the Mass, I'm sure it's more than likely that Catholics who have it can as well.

  3. I'm not talking about the ones without the Mass. I'm talking about the ones with Mass of All Ages. Please forgive any confusion on my part.

    Very true about the Japanese. The same can be said of many of us for we are halfway to 100 years now in places where Anti-Catholic bishops deny the Holy Mass to poor souls who live under their tyranny.

  4. I encounter people who attend the NO who are Catholic. It's not uncommon.

    1. Agree. Non-schismatic N.O.-attendig-Catholics. I've seen them too.
