Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Umberto Eco's New Book

Edit: Umberto Eco writes books Dan Brown only dreams he can write.  The title of Eco's new book points to a polarity in Europe during the 19th Century as one world attempts to destroy another.  

The Bohemian National Graveyards are places where "freethinkers" are buried.  In the history of American history, it underscores a divide which existed in the Czech immigrant community and back home.  Many Czechs did not want to be identified as Roman Catholic, and so they were buried in separate cemeteries.  The organization still exists today.

Umberto Eco's  touches on this polarity existent in the Europe of the 20th Century, and if his past books are any indication of this present book, it will be a book to the further disadvantage of Catholicism.

The highly anticipated, controversial novel, sold in more than forty countries Nineteenth-century Europe—from Turin to Prague to Paris—abounds with the ghastly and the mysterious. Conspiracies rule history. Jesuits plot against Freemasons. [As if Freemasons didn't plot against Jesuits] Italian republicans strangle priests with their own intestines. French criminals plan bombings by day and celebrate Black Masses at night. Every nation has its own secret service, perpetrating forgeries, plots, and massacres. From the unification of Italy to the Paris Commune to the Dreyfus Affair to The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, Europe is in tumult and everyone needs a scapegoat. But what if, behind all of these conspiracies both real and imagined, lay one lone man? What if that evil genius created its most infamous document? Eco takes his readers on an unforgettable journey through the underbelly of world-shattering events. Eco at his most exciting, a book immediately hailed as a masterpiece.
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