Thursday, September 1, 2011

One Thing He Won't Jettison is His Faith

Sardonic but alive

Gibson and his wife, Robyn settled their divorce in on August 30th. They reunited in August at Malibu where they arrived separately on the eighth for the tenth birthday party for the two Siamese twins from Honduras whom they were able to help and have miraculously survived thanks to the skill of surgeons and God's will. The twins were joined at the head.

Despite his father Hutton Gibson's attempt to separate Gibson's marriage by way of faux annulment in some kind of ad hoc lay tribunal, he is cited from USA Today, where Gibson said the following to People:

"My wife was really far more involved than I was in the past, but we're both still involved."

Still involved? Maybe a slip of the tongue or is it Mel's hard-to-kill Catholic Faith at work on his conscience? Anyway, he's still wearing his Miraculous Medal. And now he's planning on doing an action film with Bruce Willis while he continues to work on his Viking Film. Hopefully that project isn't dead.

He's been promising to do the Battle of Vienna Wood for a number of years. Hopefully, when he's finished satisfying the needs of Hollyweird, perhaps he'll get a tug from that gossamer connection with the Catholic Church he's been nurturing since his media fall and make some Catholic films that drink in deep from the well of Christendom.

Link to photo.

1 comment:

  1. I do wish this man well in his life and work and hope that he will one day be reunited with his wife and family.

    Career-wise, it would perhaps be best if he would sit back, take stock of himself, and rebuild with small yet entertaining pictures. Many in Tinsel Town have forgotten that people want simply to be told a good story. And, unlike the many of us here in the hinterlands who have been trying unsuccessfully for decades to convince the Hollywood producers to give us a chance to tell a good story again with our writing and our directing, Mr Gibson is already well-established and in a position to do just that. And I hope that he will do that. This is not meant to say that he shouldn't do a Viking epic; only that he should perhaps rebuild with smaller projects that don't cost much and yet can be successful.

    And he needs allies in that business, a business notoriously hostile to the Faith. None of us, no matter how powerful or how insignificant, can do everything alone. We all need to be with kindred spirits. And these "small projects" I would like to see someone like Mr Gibson produce can indeed be Catholic in ethos; they don't have to be overt Catholic propaganda. But if they are done well, no matter what the subject, and done with lots of mood and atmosphere, they can be minor classics.

    I ask the reader's pardon here if I "blow my own horn" a little, but this is what I mean by "mood" and "atmosphere":

    That little three minute film was made by me some years ago just for the joy of creating mood with film. And with the resources that Mr Gibson has at his command, even on a reduced scale, think of what could be accomplished.

    He has much good he can still do in this old world and I for one hope that this good will come to pass. Considering the awful rubbish that spews out of Hollywood these days the talents of Catholic movie-makers, whether they make "Catholic" subjects or not, are sorely needed.

    I wish him well.
