Thursday, December 30, 2010

Pope Says Normal Marriage Makes Europe, Europe

[Sexuality and Gender] With all the diplomatic comings and goings in Vatican City, L’Osservatore Romano, the Vatican weekly newspaper, is kept busy reporting on which diplomats are leaving, which new ones are arriving, what members of the Church hierarchy are retiring, and so on.

The descriptions of new arrivals to their diplomatic posts at the Vatican are especially interesting since they always begin with the same three markers: how old the ambassador is, whether he or she is married, and how many children they have. Just last week, for instance, we learned that Fernando Felipe Sánchez Campos of Costa Rica is 36, married, with two children. And we learn that Gábor Győriványi of Hungary is 51, married, with four children.

Yet there may be a more subtle rationale to this standard formula of diplomatic description than the simple recitation of facts.

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