Friday, October 1, 2010

Pro Multis -- Translation of the 'Missale Romanum' Proceeds in Linz

Papal Commission met under the direction of Bishop Schwarz in the State Capital

Linz ( The review of the new translation of the Latin Missal (Missale Romanum) into German is the job of the Papal Commission "Quo Principia", which is shortly under the direction of the Linz Bishop, Ludwig Schwarz, not so much as otherwise in Rome, rather will meet at the Linz Seminary. Members of this Vatican Congregation for Worship and the Order of Sacraments are part of a Commission of academics assigned from diverse German speaking Universities and Diocese.

The new translation of the "Missale Romanum" comes from the Papal Commission "Ecclesia celebrans" under the direction of Cologne Bishop Cardinal Joachim Meisner. This work group generally comes together several times a year and develops translated elements for correction by "Quo principia". The work is done in parallel.

The Linz Diocesan Bishop is an authority in classical studies and was for that reason a leading collaborator at all levels of the development process. Based on this process, there should be a Missal which reflects on the one side the German language as spoken today, while on the other side staying true to the liturgical texts of the celebration of the Mass and expressing up to date language.

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