Saturday, August 28, 2010


Some might get the impression that the point is to harbor old grievances about what has happened in the past, although terrible things were done in the name of equality, fraternity and liberty. But it's not just remembering and honoring the fallen heroes of the Vendée, we are also preparing our souls for eternity and we hope, eternal glory, but these reveries do not mean we do not strive in our state of life, no. Each man is obliged upon reflecting upon these fateful historical events, the slaughter of 2 Million French Catholics in the Vendée, or the unjust murder of the King and his family, to fight against those wrongs as he recognizes them today, legislated and performed by evil men, serving toward the debasement of men, for causes bent upon the enslavement of peoples.

Legitimism is a powerful and noble statement in defense of the truth of good government and true Religion.

Some of the back ground can be gleaned from reading the wikipedia article, here.

Link, for this t-shirt...

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