Monday, August 23, 2010

EWTN Host to Discuss Theology of the Body

On Wednesday, Aug. 25, 6 p.m., there will be a presentation on Theology of the Body and art, titled, “The Naked Truth,” by Father Thomas Loya of the Tabor Institute. Father Loya is apstor of Annunciation Byzantine Catholic parish in Homer Glen, Illinois, as well as the host of two Internet radio programs, “A Body of Truth” and “Light of the East,” which can be heard on EWTN radio affiliates in more than 60 cities across the U.S. The talk will be followed by a potluck. The event takes place at St. Nicholas of Myra Byzantine Catholic Church, 2200 Arctic Boulevard. For more information, email or call (218) 839-5366.

Father Loya is also kicking off this year’s Theology and Brew

in Anchorage at 7 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 26, at Snow Goose Restaurant, 717 West 3rd Avenue. The first presentation, titled, “Who is Man for Woman and Who is Woman for Man?,” is an exploration of Pope John Paul II’s teachings on the Theology of the Body. After Father Loya’s presentation at Theology and Brew, he will lead a weekend retreat based on the Theology of the Body at the Eagle River Nature Center. For more information, contact Jen Bergman at or (218) 839-5366.
August 19th, 2010 | Category: Alaska News, Church History, Family, Marriage, Priests, Pro-life issues, Sacraments, Vocations

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Tancred said...

Ray from MN said...

That seems to be a hot items these days. Christopher West v. JPII v. a bunch of others who I don't have time to loook up.

My computer crashed yesterday and I probably won't get it back til next Tuesday. I'm using library computers and have 7 minutes left on this one.

This is an interesting subject but there is huge fighting over the presentation. But I think it is the way to go.

More to the fact, check out " or net or org. yellow page slow to open.

Really a fabulous presentation of catechism questions, giving elaborations including videos of Cardinal Arinze giving comments on the answers.

Looks to me like a wonderful way to present the Catechism. Is brand new last fallor so. Comes out of Catholic Family Land, an Amusement park in Steubenville, OH.

Dan said...

I sit here in stunned disbelief and in sorrow that this disastrous rubbish known as the "theology of the body" (good grief) is actually being taught. Here is yet another example of self-delusion among Catholics who looked upon John Paul II as some sort of Saint.

John Paul was a deeply troubled man. Among many other things he simply refused to govern the Church, a Church that was coming apart at the seams before and during his pontificate. He was a child of Vatican II: ambitious, ambiguous, devoted to novelty and modernisms, cowardly in the face of the media and the world, a man who would talk the talk but never walk the walk.

When he did teach he would come up with many aburdities, e.g. the "luminous mysteries" of the rosary to name just one example.

Yet with sexual scandals piling up higher than neglected dog dung, with a world awash in sensuality and self-indulgence, with an actual acceptance, believe it or not, of the unspeakable perversion of homosexuality, what does John Paul do in response? He throws gasoline on a roaring fire like this with an insane idea called "the theology of the body". Would he even think of going back to traditional teachings of past centuries on this delicate subject? No. He takes his own approach, trying to somehow sanctify eroticism. He was a deeply, deeply troubled man.

There are those who criticize the interpretations of "TOB" by such as Christopher West. Why? He is only coming to the logical conclusions of this bad teaching. You start with a false premise and you end up with a false teaching. Why criticize West for doing precisely what John Paul's teaching leads to? With all due respect for people like Mrs von Hildebrand she is mistaken if she thinks she can separate Wests's vulgarities from the Pope's panygeric to sensuality.

I can only hope that when this insanity leaves us someday that we are not left with our Catholic children turned into self-indulgent slaves to their baser natures. As for me I will do my best to counteract as best as I can the evil that will be done with this sad Pope's new "theology".