Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Christopher Hitchens: I'm sorry that I probably won't live to see the death of 'elderly criminal' Benedict XVI

A man who spent his carreer criticizing people he believed were evil, and yet denying the existence of the Good whle offering uncritical praise for the murderers like Che Guevarra, this naive and inveterate [former?] Trotskeyite is dying.

He has a reputation for intellectual honesty, truly a testimony to the inestimable gullibillity of the Democratic masses.

Vanity Fair have sent me a preview of Christopher Hitchens’s very unpleasant piece about his cancer – unpleasant not just because Hitchens describes in detail the invasion of his body by a monstrous tumour, but also because it contains a despicable slur against the Pope. (And Henry Kissinger, but I don’t care about that.)

He writes: “Will I really not live long enough … to read – if not indeed write – the obituaries of elderly criminals like Henry Kissinger and Joseph Ratzinger?”

This should scarcely need saying, but Pope Benedict XVI is not a criminal: neither Hitchens nor anyone else has produced evidence that he covered up the crimes of paedophile priests. On the contrary, he sought to tighten up canonical procedures against sex abusers. There were plenty of cover-ups; it’s just that the former Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith didn’t organise them and, indeed, fought battles with some of those prelates who did.

Christopher Hitchens: I'm sorry that I probably won't live to see the death of 'elderly criminal' Benedict XVI

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If perchance, in the moment of his death, Hitchens should see the error of his ways and repent, he surely will spend the equivalent of eternity in Purgatory!