Monday, June 21, 2010

Military and Media mostly Clueless about Suicide Epidemic in the MIlitary

In a characteristically humanist approach, the NPR fails to address what is really a spiritual problem. The Army has an inkling that the problem is a spiritual one. They encourage soldiers to be religious, knowning that somehow the taboos against self-slaughter encouraged by the Catholic Church are beneficial. Unfortunately, the prevailing society, the law, our government are hostile to that spiritual reality. If there's an epidemic of suicide in the military, it's a spiritual problem.

Listen to the story on NPR, here.

1 comment:

Military Lending said...

Americans want to know first-hand what is going on on the other side of the world, where our troops are stationed and representing us. We have a right, as well as our soldiers, to know what is going on over there. I feel very strongly about the military easing up on their "rules" for social media.