Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Liberals are to Blame for the "Crisis" II

You'd think an Oxbridge aesthete would know the difference between a pederast and a paedophile, but since when has John Cornwell been interested in educating anyone, really?

Through his barely concealed contempt for the Blessed Sacrament, "Eucharistic wafer (which Catholics believe to be the "body, blood, soul and divinity of Jesus Christ") should be exposed for adoration in hundreds of churches across Ireland." and his previous authorings which include the deceptive and deceptively entitled propaganda piece, "Hitler's Pope", John Cornwell manages to convict himself of being urbane and sophisticated, but decidedly anti-Catholic.

It's understandable that a perverse Oxbridge, anti-clerical old failed seminarian, harbors personal hatred for the Catholic Faith. This doesn't prevent Corwell's prescriptive nature to offer friendly hints and suggestions about how the Pope should reform the priesthood.

It's apparent that Cromwell is embarrassed for the Pope, whose early devotion to Cardinal Newman he has some respect for, whose choice for a model of the Priesthood is none other than a "half-literate" French secular priest. The Devil himself hated the Cure and it's easy to see why. Literally hundreds of thousands of people flocked to his confessional from thousands of miles away to find spiritual relief and joy.

As celebrated as Cardinal Newman was by "men of letters" and the successes of the world, he didn't have the world beating a path to his door. In fact, many of Newman's disciples were censured or condemned.

One point can be made on Cromwell's behalf is that he really does get the Holy Father, even if he himself doesn't agree, that Liberals are the cause of the problem. After all, the deceitful Don of Jesus College is himself a Liberal. Why should we expect a scorpion not to sting?

Twenty years ago Benedict said that the answer to the tide of secularism was for the faithful, loyal, orthodox remnant of the Catholic Church to retreat into a metaphorical catacomb. Catholicism would survive by ridding itself of dissidents and retiring to a defensive position of spiritual and doctrinal integrity: he called these future Catholic survivors the "salt of the earth".

Link to new statesman...

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