Monday, April 12, 2010

It's our Kaytn Trauma All over Again: Poland

Among the various infallible dictates of the Nurenberg trials after World War II, was the mistaken notion that the massacre of Poles in the Kaytn forest were attributable to the Germans. What other jokes that post-war Europe played on History will be revealed in eternity?

Waclaw Oszajca was struggling to come to terms with the full scale of his country's worst postwar tragedy. But as he clicked through portraits of the 96 victims of the Smolensk air crash on a news website a very personal story unfolded.

The voice of the 53-year old Jesuit priest and one of Poland's most respected theologians fell to a whisper as he pointed out the faces of friends, including a priest, a military chaplain, government aides and a historian.

"These were some of our best," said Oszajca, who yesterday took a train from his home in Lublin to Warsaw, to pay tribute to them on national radio. "They were wiped out in seconds. Young, old, women, men, leftwing, rightwing. It's our Katyn trauma all over again," he said.

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