Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Some Disturbing News About Catholic Youth

March 2, 2010

There has been some disturbing news of late regarding young Catholics and their moral formation.  First, 65% of Catholic young adults (18-29) believe that homosexual sex is either a moral good (!!) or morally meaningless.   This is contrary to what the Church teaches on this subject.  Look, if you want to believe gay sex is a good thing, fine, but that's not the Roman Catholic viewpoint, and actively engaging in such acts has always been viewed as a serious sin.   So, these 'millenial' Catholics are conflating a serious sin with something morally good or ambivalent.  This is a failure of formation, pure and simple.  While the culture, influenced by a wealthy and highly effective lobby, has been shouting to the rooftops that homosexual activities are natural, normal, and even chic, the Church obviously has not gotten it's 2000 year teaching through to most young people.   There are good signs however – these millenials are opposed to abortion and adultery.  But not opposed to premarital sex.  This brings me to the second, more concerning article – Catholic female college students, enrolled in nominally Catholic colleges, are far more promiscuous than students enrolled at non-religious colleges, and waaay more so than those enrolled at evangelical colleges that take their faith very seriously.  This is like a punch to the gut, but it confirms what we've heard before.   Catholic colleges, with a very few exceptions, are no longer places that support, defend, and strengthen the faith of its students, but have become wordly to an extent that they actively destroy the faith of those who enter under their rooves.   It's important to note that this study was not conducted by an organization that may have an agenda, but by researchers at Mississippi State.  The most damning statement of the study's authors: "our findings might instead suggest that not all religiously affiliated colleges and universities constitute 'moral communities."  What does this mean?  While Catholic colleges may call themselves Catholic, that is nothing more than a name, and those colleges do not constitute a moral center, or a center of the faith.  There are exceptions, Wyoming Catholic College, Franciscan in Steubenville, Benedictine College in KS, even the University of Dallas still has a fairly vibrant Catholic ethos, despite Milam Joseph's worst efforts.  But at all of the really famous Catholic colleges – DePaul, Loyola, Xavier, Boston College, Georgetown, Notre Dame, and many, many others – the Catholic faith is either an occasional appendage worn to attract donations, or has been shoved into a dusty closet never to be thought of, let alone talked about.  Such is the fruit of the dreadful 'Land O' Lakes conference.'  A vibrant system of faithful colleges was turned, intentionally, into a set of CINO institutions.  All in the name of pride and prestige.  Oh, and 80% of Catholic college students think contraception is A-OK, which may come from the universities, or their parents.  Kinda hard to tell at this point.

Cross posted at Posted by tantumergo
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