Friday, March 19, 2010

"Catholic" Group Praises Oberstar

McCatholics are a syncristic lot, they appreciate the warm and comfortable association with a religion whose primary tenets they abhor, but hypocritically, they can't leave it behind. There's something more sinister at work here, to be sure, but animal sentimentality and emotionalism is what overrides honesty in the case of those aging Catholics who protest the Military and campaign for the normalization of homosexuality.

Following Wednesday’s news that Rep. James Oberstar will be voting for the health care reform bill before Congress, the progressive group Catholics United is airing TV commercials praising the Minnesota Democrat. The spots, which began airing in Minnesota on Wednesday, is part of a “broader national campaign to underscore Catholic support for health care reform” just as “as insurance company-backed interests are pulling out the stops to oppose affordable health care for all Minnesotans,” according to a statement by the group.
The spot praises Oberstar, a Catholic, in general terms for helping create jobs for working families, but doesn’t specifically mention health care reform or the controversy over whether elective abortions will be covered under the plan (they won’t).

The commercial, which runs in Duluth in full saturation through Saturday, came out the same day that a letter urging each Congress member to “cast a life-affirming ‘yes’ vote” on health care reform was released by a group of 59,000 Catholic nuns who are involved with running many of the country’s Catholic hospitals. The move is in opposition to the opinion of the Catholic bishops.

Link to Mn Independent.....

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