Thursday, February 4, 2010

Cardinal Schönborn comes to D.C. Christianity "Dying in Europe"

You heard earlier how Cardinal Schonborn has NCR fooled, and his Medjugorje deception is all over town. Now the Scandal Cardinal is in D.C. fooling other people, talking about "Dying in Europe" to reestablish his street cred as a "conservative" prelate.

Cardinal Schonborn comes to D.C. Christianity "Dying in Europe" In Medjugorje the Solution?

Sitting in the Great Room A of the Edward J. Pryzbyla University Center at Catholic University in Washington, D.C. forty minutes before Cardinal Schnborn's much anticipated lecture, two young college women, almost looking over their shoulders, were deeply engaged in a hushed conversation of the still touchy subject of Medjugorje. The conversation ended quickly as Cardinal Schonborn, accompanied by a Dean of Catholic University and the Austrian Ambassador to the United States entered the room, but make no mistake, the presence of Medjugorje continued to loom large.

After a brief and pleasant introduction, Cardinal Schonborn, standing behind a modest podium, looked out at the standing room only crowd and jokingly thanked those without seats for their early standing ovation. It was a nice, light moment for the young Cardinal, whose demeanor and handsome looks remind some of of the great John Paul II.

Though Cardinal Schonborn's delivery is engaging and sprinkled with self-deprecating humor the subject of today's lecture was anything but sunny. Cardinal Schonborn came to Washington D.C. to talk about the health and vibrancy of Christianity and Catholicism in Europe. After hearing the speech, one would have to conclude that the prognosis for Christianity's growth, particularly in Europe, faces many obstacles. His lecture, titled the "The Identity of Christianity - Alien Presence or Foundation of the West", presented a stark assessment of Christian faith in Europe and suggested that the revitalization of faith among its citizens would be arduous and uncertain.

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