Monday, November 2, 2009

Are Catholic Colleges Poisonous to Women? Or is it Just Certain Ones?

I haven't enjoyed going to church so much in ages and I mean no disrespect and I mean that most sin-cerely, [giggles] that's really what I think. Dad said he was glad that was over with, but all I could think about was that this was the beginning of the rest of my new life. After graduation, me and John were going to Europe for a month. Amsterdam here we come! Then I was going to start my new job working for Google in New York where we got this cool apartment. [stares fixedly at passing car]

I guess I'm pretty religious, but after some soul searching, I decided that I didn't get anything out of this and I actually stopped going to church in my sophomore year. Fr. X was nice and everything...

I guess the nuns were alright, but it was hard to understand why they were there.

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