Friday, October 23, 2009

Opus Dei Member and Ex-FBI Director Louis Freeh Italian Citizen

From the Drudge Report:

Clinton appointed former FBI director, Louis Freeh has just received Italian Citizenship thanks to his efforts in fighting organized crime in Italy. Both he and the infamous Robert Hanssen were members of Opus Dei and working for the FBI. Freeh described the Hanssen breech as disastrous, while he himself worked closely with Russian Police against organized crime in Russia according to Accuracy in Media.

Just before 9-11, Freeh left his job as Director of the CIA. He went to work defending a Saudi Prince Bandar, embroiled in a corruption case. He was also working with Fanny Mae according to Politics Daily.

There does seem to be a bit of a question about Louis Freeh's membership in Opus and the evidence is available in this article at Harvard Crimson which fairly discloses his close association with that organization.

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