Wednesday, June 23, 2021

So many examples like this..

 Add yours to the comments below.

Evil Clergy Meets in Minneapolis to Normalize Degeneracy

Edit: they could always join the aging and dying mainline Protestant sects. Those people love sodomy.

Look at the age of these people. Looks like a lot of puppet makers, old boomers who run NGOs and non-Profits for $250k a year. Absolutely geriatric and as corrupt and decrepit as the Archdiocese of Saint Paul, Minnesota.

Hey guys, it’s not 1968 any more.

What was “Bishop” Pates doing there? Lol

He’s no stranger to promoting sodomy. Here he is with the pastor of a “gay” church about 13 years ago.



Where There’s Smoke, There’s Fire

[TheGatewayPundit] Joel Davis was a Hillary Clinton Campaign officials and founder of the organization “Youth to end Sexual Violence.” Joel was arrested in 2018 after engaging in sex with a child. Davis also had over 3,700 images and more than 330 videos of child pornography, including numerous images of prepubescent minors who had not attained 12 years of age.

Joel was nominated for a Nobel Prize for his work.


I think I'll drive

Tens of thousands of airline pilots have tested positive for Covid and none have died since the beginning of this scam. This week, Four British Airways pilots assume room temperature after being incentivized to take the jab.

It didn't take long for Snopes to jump in on this to debunk it. But, despite the method of revelation, it looks more and more plausible. Like Mark Shea trolling this site with Gaybrielle, the fact checkers reveal a lot by their behaviour in the remotest corners of the internet.

Monday, June 21, 2021

More Dr. Peter McCullough

 Dr. Peter McCullough is Professor of Medicine, Texas A & M College of Medicine, and is an internationally recognized authority on the evaluation of medical evidence in contemporary issues in medicine and has published widely.

Recently, he has raised the alarm about the current rush by governments to vaccinate entire populations, including those who are either immune (previously infected), or not at high risk (those under the age of 70 years old).   Continued...

Dr. Peter McCullough Interview 5/19/2021 from John Leake on Vimeo.

Going to gaol for live-streaming Jan. 6th?

 There will never be a serious government investigation of January 6th, for it would necessarily involve revealing the name of Ashli Babbitt's  executioner.   If this was an insurrection, why hasn't he been given a medal in a White House ceremony? 

The media are working overtime to make Biden look good.

Exhibit one: Exhibit two: Even those who drink beer from large cans can see through this crap.

The deadliest virus

Saturday, June 19, 2021

Trump was right about everything

Except the "vaccine." Although, he did say we'd have one even if Sleepy Joe wants to take the credit.
Even an obnoxious atheist can figure that out.

Thursday, June 17, 2021

Majority of Pewsitters Think Evil Politicians Should Not Go to Communion

 Edit: among the very small number of regular church attendees, it should be pretty clear.

The Bishops will consult their Gaybrielle, who will inform them that regular attendees are slack-jawed troglodytes who probably voted for Trump, and that they are only a small number of Catholics and can be ignored. Besides, they likely place dogmatic rules above people. 

[Life News] A new poll of faithful Catholics finds 74% of regular churchgoers say pro-abortion Catholic politicians like Joe Biden should not present themselves for communion.

The poll, conducted by the CRC Research polling firm for the pro-life group CatholicVote, found 74% of Catholics who attend mass regularly did not think pro-abortion politicians should show up for communion and another 83% of Catholics who regularly attend Mass say these pro-abortion politicians “create confusion and disunity” because they do not follow the pro-life teachings of the Catholic Church.

According to the survey, 87% of Catholics agree that the Church has a longstanding pro-life position and has “has long taught that certain issues are of grave moral importance, such as abortion.” Another 83% say “Catholic bishops should publicly defend all Catholic teachings” and 90% agree the bishops “have an obligation to teach and lead others in matters of faith and moral.”

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

You'll eat bugs and like it, or else.

Poultry prices are rising, and while you were locked 
up last year, the oligarchs shut down all 
of the boneless chicken farms.

Tuesday, June 15, 2021

It’s Now Illegal for Aberrosexuals to Groom Children in Hungary


[Summit News] Hungary’s National Assembly has passed a law that bans showing children under the age of 18 material related to homosexuality or transgenderism in education, on television, movies or in advertisements.

The vote passed earlier today by a huge margin of 157-1.

“The law was included in a larger bill cracking down on pedophilia by creating a register of child sex offenders, implementing stricter punishments for child pornography, and barring pedophile offenders from jobs where they would encounter children. It also singled out the promotion of LGBT affairs in schools,” reports RT. 


American Jewry Demands More Immigration to USA

 Edit: I’d like to state an official editorial position in support of unlimited immigration to the state of Israel. 


[National Justice] American Jewry is demanding the legalization of America's large illegal alien population. 

49 national and state-level Jewish racial advocacy groups sent a letter addressed to Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer yesterday instructing them to include a "pathway to citizenship" for virtually all illegal immigrants currently living in the United States. 

The letter, signed by organizations like the Anti-Defamation League and Bend The Arc, calls on Democrats to include an amnesty for "immigrant youth, Temporary Protected Status (TPS) holders, essential workers, and their families" in "any future economic recovery or infrastructure legislation that moves forward via budget reconciliation."