Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Father Zuhlsdorf Says Mass and Performs Exorcism Over Election Officials Responsible for the Steal

Edit: the popularizer of immorality, James Martin SJ, is deeploy scandalized.

He even drew the attention of an evil globalist Masonic type who worked for the IMF, Tony Arnett.  

Naturally, this is painting a big red target on your back for the evil one and his thralls.  Satanists are even worse than their near-allies, the Scientologists, once those people decide to go after you.

Prayers for Father Z.


Theatrical Chicago "Pastor" Reluctantly Suspended by Dithering Cardinal Cupich

Edit: he'll be cleared by Cupich and put back on the job where he can abuse the liturgy and pretend to be a black reverend.  

Father Michael Pfleger, the longtime pastor at St. Sabina Church and one of the most prominent priests in Chicago, has been removed from the Auburn Gresham parish following revelations of a decades-old sexual abuse allegation against a minor.

Cardinal Blase Cupich announced “the difficult news” in a letter to the St. Sabina community Tuesday, saying he has “asked Father Pfleger to step aside from ministry following receipt by the Archdiocese of Chicago’s Office for Child Abuse Investigations and Review of an allegation of sexual abuse of a minor more than 40 years ago.” 

 Cupich said Pfleger agreed to his request and will live away from the parish during the archdiocese’s investigation. The allegation has also been reported to the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services and the Cook County state’s attorney’s office, Cupich said.



Monday, January 4, 2021

Father Mitch hangs out with Thug Gordon

When a Jesuit polyglot who acts dumb, in the manner of Inspector Colombo, deigns to do a show with someone who actually is dumb, it gives credence to rumors of a looming rapprochement in the politically correct right to oppose a return to tradition.

Some things will never be Kosher

Some are so offended

Grifting Grifter Steve Bannon Interviews Archbishop Viganò -- Discussion of the Interview

Edit: until someone informs me otherwise, I have it on good advice that Bannon is a serious and cynical grifter. People like him aren't going to help save the Catholic Church. Like Voris, Milo, Father Zuhlsdorf, Dale Ahlquist, Mark Shea, Deacon Kandra, Holy Skojec, Thugs Gordon, Bishop Fulton J. Sheen and a host of others, who're meant to corral faithful Catholics into bins for exploitation by marketeers, political figures and ultimately, the small hats. AMDG

Following Purge of Left-Wing Fruitcakes at EWTN -- Voris is in Talks to Merge With EWTN

 Edit: you heard about the ouster of the black power sistah, Gloria Purvis.    There has also been a purge of lackadaisical and uninteresting content, not to mention basically heretical, bemoaned by boomer ecclesiastics like the Deacon's Stench, Father Larry and Judaizing heretics like Dawn Eden.

But is it really wise for EWTN to hitch its Opus Dei wagon to Voris, what with Doug Kek and Michael Warsaw who've overseen the general decline of EWTN to just another Evangelical Protestant television station with even worse production value than 700 Club?  Still, Voris is nothing if not an accomplished, award winning journalism.  It was the appearances of good journalism and orthodox Catholicism that drew people to Voris in the first place, but now we're not so sure about this self-appointed savior of Catholic orthodoxy. 

Do Voris and his housemate even go to church?


Sunday, January 3, 2021

Georgia RINO Secretary of State Commits Treason -- Destroy the GOP!

Edit: Trump is addressing a smug Brad Raffensberger who refuses to look into clear evidence of election fraud. Now Raffensberger has leaked the recording to commie press who wants to spin it to look like Trump is the one committing fraud.  Raffensberger is trying to aid criminals in Georgia to ignore the will of the people of Georgia.

Destroy the GOP!

Call Raffensberger's office:

214 State Capitol
Atlanta, Georgia 30334


Saturday, January 2, 2021

Evil Voris Lies About Former SSPX Priest

Edit: the following is a video by a former Society of Saint Pius X priest who has really lost his way but presents himself credibly here.  He's the one falsely accused of running off to Mexico to open up a tattoo parlour after leaving the SSPX.  Clearly, we don't endorse this man's total agenda, but what is valuable about his contribution is that his testimony challenges the way Church Militant will distort and lie about a person to promote an agenda, just like the "real" news does.  

This individual is even more difficult to listen to than Skojec, but he makes some fairly damning statements about Michael Voris' integrity in general and the way Church Militant does business, and if you're a faithful Catholic, you should start to look at CMTV a little more critically and even abandon it altogether as a source for any news.

Voris lies about his seminary formation. He didn't have his crisis in the seminary as Voris claims.  Voris lies about details in this man's life to sensationalize in part, and just pure laziness in the other.  

We'd also like to invite this wayward priest to return to the SSPX and take his punishment by going into monastic seclusion and pray for his own salvation and the success of his order in saving souls.


Thursday, December 31, 2020

The One True Church Under Peter

By David Martin

While tradition has it that St. Luke was a gifted painter, we also see that he created very artistic impressions with the stroke of his pen impressions that are filled with deep religious and symbolic meaning. The opening of chapter 5 of St. Luke’s Gospel beautifully exemplifies this.

And it came to pass, that when the multitudes pressed upon him to hear the word of God, he [Jesus] stood by the lake of Genesareth, and saw two ships standing by the lake: but the fishermen were gone out of them, and were washing their nets. And going into one of the ships that was Simon's, he desired him to draw back a little from the land. And sitting he taught the multitudes out of the ship. Now when he had ceased to speak, he said to Simon [Peter]: Launch out into the deep, and let down your nets for a draught. And Simon answering said to him: Master, we have labored all the night, and have taken nothing: but at thy word I will let down the net. And when they had done this, they enclosed a very great multitude of fishes, and their net broke.” (Luke 5:1-6)

From this we see that Jesus Christ teaches the world from Peter’s Barque, the Catholic Church, outside of which Christ does not abide. The Barque of Peter is Christ’s footstool from which to instruct humanity on salvation. This instruction is to be executed through the priests whom Christ calls “fishers of men.” (Matthew 4:19)

Furthermore, Jesus desires that Peter’s boat be set back from the land, that is,  the Church must be set apart from the world. As has been taught through the centuries, the Church cannot merge with the world or adopt secular teachings, which is in keeping with Jesus’ words: “My Kingdom is not of this world.” (John 18:36)

We also see that when the ministers of Peter’s Barque take the Master at His word and let down their nets the traditional way, they bring up an enormous draught of fishes, but when they labor all night in the dark employing human methods (as they have since Vatican II), they catch nothing.

Tradition Works

This is a lesson for the clergy to return to Sacred Apostolic Tradition, which among other things would mean a universal return to saying the Mass with the priest facing the altar (ad orientum). For the New Mass with the priest facing the people with his back to the tabernacle (versus populum) has served to bring about a historic shift of focus where the emphasis is on the community and not on God. The modern Mass and procedures since Vatican II unfortunately  have driven the Holy Barque shipwreck onto secular coasts, so it is important that Christ again be lifted up in center-view before the Church through the offering of the Traditional Latin Mass so that the people can again be absorbed in Christ and things eternal.

In the meantime, it is important that the faithful reject the modernist teachings being dished out by today’s bishops and even by the pope, remembering that the hierarchy are capable of falling from the Faith. If Pope Francis feels he must betray the Faith and consort with the Church’s enemies and he says “our duty is to obey” U.N. globalists and abortionists who are working overtime to destroy Christianity and bring about a communistic one-world government – the “Great Reset” –  he is free to exile himself, but it doesn’t mean we’re supposed to be like him. As one holy priest once said from the pulpit, “Dearly beloved, you don’t have to go to Hell for anyone.”

Restoration From Within

The bottom line is that our defense of the Faith must be done within the confines of Peter’s Barque, remembering that it is not Francis’ Church but Christ’s Church. We indeed must separate ourselves from Francis’ heterodox ideas, but if we want to win the battle we must remain within the arena, i.e. within the Church’s main hierarchical body under Rome, and try to restore tradition from within.  

Like the good guys in the movies who battle the pirates on deck who are trying to take over the ship, we too must remain on Peter’s Barque and not abandon ship during the crisis, remembering Pope Benedict’s statement of July 15, 2017, when he said that the Barque of Peter is "on the verge of capsizing."

With the crisis intensifying with each passing day, the true Catholics must hold the ailing Barque of Peter afloat until help arrives from Heaven. That day may be coming soon!




Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Beyond the Official Narrative

Trump Pays Tribute to St. Thomas Becket

By David Martin 

President Trump is calling upon Americans to pay tribute to a Catholic saint   and martyr. On Monday, the president declared December 29 a national day of commemoration for St. Thomas Becket who was martyred in 1170 because he refused to allow the king of England to interfere with the internal affairs of the Catholic Church. The following is taken from Trump’s proclamation. 

"NOW, THEREFORE, I, DONALD J. TRUMP, President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim December 29, 2020, as the 850th anniversary of the martyrdom of Saint Thomas Becket. I invite the people of the United States to observe the day in schools and churches and customary places of meeting with appropriate ceremonies in commemoration of the life and legacy of Thomas Becket." 

The following is also from the president’s proclamation.

"When the crown [King of England] attempted to encroach upon the affairs of the House of God through the Constitutions of Clarendon, Thomas refused to sign the offending document. When the furious King Henry II threatened to hold him in contempt of royal authority and questioned why this 'poor and humble' priest would dare defy him, Archbishop Becket responded, 'God is the supreme ruler, above Kings' and 'we ought to obey God rather than men.'" 

King Henry eventually had St. Becket killed because he defended religious liberty against the order of the state. After being given an ultimatum to obey the King, Becket confessed, "For the name of Jesus and the protection of the Church, I am ready to embrace death.” Dressed in holy robes, Thomas was cut down where he stood inside the walls of his own cathedral. 

State Must Not Restrict Churches

President Trump is sending a clear message to Christian Americans, especially Roman Catholics, that they must never allow the state to interfere with the internal affairs of the House of God. “If we are to continue to be the land of the free, no government official, no governor, no bureaucrat, no judge, and no legislator must be allowed to decree what is [un]orthodox in matters of religion or to require religious believers to violate their consciences,” Trump says.

The president says, “As Americans, we were first united by our belief that ‘rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God,’” suggesting that we too must exhibit ‘holy rebellion’ against state tyrants like governors Cuomo and Newsom. He is saying that faithful Catholics must resist state orders to close churches, wear masks, impose distancing, or to respect causes like LGBT and abortion because "God is the supreme ruler above kings" and forcing obedience to state rulers causes “believers to violate their consciences.” 

The state indeed has no jurisdiction in the House of God, so the president has raised up St. Thomas Becket as an example for all Americans to look to during this historic time of anti-religious persecution when the Democratic deep-state has sought to infringe upon the Church. Trump honors the fact that Becket confessed Christ before the state and is suggesting that we do likewise, even unto martyrdom if need be.

“It is because of great men like Thomas Becket that the first American President George Washington could proclaim more than 600 years later that, in the United States, ‘All possess alike liberty of conscience and immunities of citizenship.’” 

St. Paul tells us, "All that will live godly in Christ Jesus, shall suffer persecution." (2 Tim. 3:12) While Trump is not a Catholic [as yet], he nonetheless is walking the path of "white martyrdom" since there isn't a day that goes by without his being unjustly blasted by fake-media Democrats and even his own “Republican" subjects. Even some of his "conservative" judges have betrayed him through fear or bribery, but he nonetheless is resolved to remain loyal to the Biblical precepts of the Constitution despite the opinion of mere man.  

It could even happen that without enough prayer from the people, Trump too might be cut to pieces inside his own palace (White House) as was St. Thomas Becket. For months we've seen  violent hostility encroaching upon the White House with Antifa terrorists shouting, "Let him die" and “he deserves death.” We even hear state leaders saying these things about Trump. 

A True Leader 

Suffice to say, Trump shows himself to be a true leader by placing God first, which is in keeping with the wise words of George Washington: "Mankind, when left to themselves, are unfit for their own government." As a responsible leader, Trump acknowledges that "our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people" (John Adams) and is acting accordingly. 

With the daily barrage of anti-American attacks ever intensifying, we pray that President Trump will remain ever resolved to stand against the internationalist deep-state coalition that now seeks to take our country from us.    

Proclamation on 850th Anniversary of the Martyrdom of Saint Thomas Becket | The White House


Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Evil Jesuit On Deck to Sign Death Warrant of Summorum Pontificum and Replace Cardinal Sarah

(Rome) For some time there are rumors becoming louder that the removal of Cardinal Robert Sarah as prefect of the 
Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments is imminent. For the first time, a specific name is also given for his successor.

The rumors are not new, but they are growing. Cardinal Sarah, a churchman with an impressive résumé, is one of the most prominent princes of the Church of our time. In 2014 he was unexpectedly appointed Prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship by Pope Francis. This appointment has since been considered to be the most notable “industrial accident” in Bergoglian personnel policy. In other words, Pope Francis, a mistake has been made in the lookout for the selection of candidates for the progressive candidates, by putting the churchman from Guinea in a key position.

LifeSite Promotes Abortion

Edit: isn’t LifeSight Opus owned?

[Culture Wars] Jewish political power is based on the control of discourse. The main way in which Jews control discourse is by accusing anyone of antisemitism who disagrees or criticizes the Jews. 

Jews use this political power to promote abortion. Therefore LifeSite news by joining the fight against anti-Semitism is actually promoting abortion. 

 What does Anti-Semitism have to do with fighting abortion?


Trump Issues Procalamation on 850th Anniversary of Saint Thomas Becket's Martyrdom

Edit: I strongly doubt that Saint Thomas would have approved of Religious Liberty.

[] Today is the 850th anniversary of the martyrdom of Saint Thomas Becket on December 29, 1170. Thomas Becket was a statesman, a scholar, a chancellor, a priest, an archbishop, and a lion of religious liberty.

Before the Magna Carta was drafted, before the right to free exercise of religion was enshrined as America’s first freedom in our glorious Constitution, Thomas gave his life so that, as he said, “the Church will attain liberty and peace.”

The son of a London sheriff and once described as “a low‑born clerk” by the King who had him killed, Thomas Becket rose to become the leader of the church in England. When the crown attempted to encroach upon the affairs of the house of God through the Constitutions of Clarendon, Thomas refused to sign the offending document. When the furious King Henry II threatened to hold him in contempt of royal authority and questioned why this “poor and humble” priest would dare defy him, Archbishop Becket responded “God is the supreme ruler, above Kings” and “we ought to obey God rather than men.”


Thursday, December 24, 2020

So-long Rush

Your obituary has been written many times.  

 You're the man who launched your  biggest career  in NY where you introduced the caller abortion and took pro-life cruises with Cardinal O'Connor.   You've always had a fascination with the Faith.  While four marriages might seem like the biggest impediment to entering while alive, it was probably our effeminate hierarchy that has kept you away. You still has enough time to enter like the Duke.  However much time you have,  don't have to wait until you're on your deathbed.

Americanism, the perennial heresy

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Bergoglio to Resign Soon?

[Express UK] The 83-year-old became head of the Catholic Church following the resignation of Pope Benedict XVI – a controversial move and the first of its kind in more than 500 years. However, a source close to Pope Francis claimed he would only serve for seven years, stating he would follow in the footsteps of his predecessor. Austen Ivereigh is the former Director for Public Affairs of the previous Archbishop of Westminster, Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O'Connor and continues to work closely with the Vatican.

He said in 2015: “He made clear from the beginning that he regarded Pope Benedict’s (XVI) act as a prophetic act of great modesty and he would have absolutely no problem in doing the same. 

“What was interesting was he said to Mexican television in 2014 that he believed that he would have a short papacy of about five years.