Thursday, October 10, 2019

Did Pope Francis Deny Christ's Divinity?

By David Martin

The pope’s favorite interviewer has gone on record as saying that Francis denies the divinity of Christ. Italian journalist Eugenio Scalfari said on Wednesday that the pope told him that Jesus of Nazareth “was not God at all.”

In the October 9 issue of La Repubblica, Scalfari wrote: “Those who have had the chance, as I have had different times, to meet him [Pope Francis] and speak to him with the greatest cultural confidence, know that Pope Francis conceives Christ as Jesus of Nazareth, a man, not God incarnate. Once incarnated, Jesus ceases to be a God and becomes a man until his death on the cross.”

Scalfari cites examples in Scripture where Christ prayed, including the account of his agony in the Garden of Gethsemane, to support his thesis that Jesus Christ was not divine. He continues: “When I happened to discuss these phrases, Pope Francis told me: ‘They are the definite proof that Jesus of Nazareth, once he became a man, even if he was a man of exceptional virtue, was not God at all.’”

The Vatican press office has discouraged the report, opining that Scalfari’s account merely represents “a personal and free interpretation of what he has heard.” Even so, the Vatican has not been able to refute the report with any certitude. The fact that Francis has done nothing to disavow the report tends to give it credence.

If the report is true, then Francis has unofficially professed the heresy of Arianism, which says that Christ on earth was not God Himself, the Second Person of the Trinity by Whom “all things” were made (John 1: 3), but was just a mere man.

This inference is encouraged when we consider Francis’ ongoing slight of doctrine and his repeated efforts to dissuade Catholics from attempting to convert members of other religions. If Francis has no confidence in the One True Church that Christ left us, would it not indicate that it is Christ Himself Whom he lacks confidence in?

This apostate attitude is certainly reflected in the Amazonian Synod presently underway in Rome. According to Archbishop Viganò, 'Christ is absent' from the synod's working document. Cardinal Burke has described the Synod as “a direct attack on the Lordship of Christ.” The synod is all about bowing to “mother-earth” in defiance of the everlasting ordinance that we bow only to Christ the King on His throne, so Scalfari’s claim about Francis is not far-fetched.

If it is, the pope will publicly disavow this, but if he doesn’t we can only infer that he blesses Scalfari, just as he has blessed him in the past by granting him new interviews after Scalfari had publicly attributed to him outlandish statements that contravene doctrine. If this isn’t an endorsement of Scalfari’s work, what is?  

Friday, October 4, 2019

Cardinal Burke Cites Amazon Synod as a “Direct Attack” on Christ

By David Martin

Cardinal Raymond Burke has come out and blasted the upcoming Amazonian Synod as a direct attack on Jesus Christ. The synod is scheduled to convene this month in Rome from the 6-27.

In an interview published Sept. 27 in First Things, the 71 year old cardinal told reporter Sohrab Ahmari, "The working document of the Pan-Amazonian synod is a direct attack on the Lordship of Christ. It says to people, ‘You already have the answers, and Christ is just one among many sources of answers.’ This is apostasy!"

The cardinal laments the misuse of the Amazonian Synod to try to change both the doctrines and disciplines of the Catholic Church.

"The fundamental concept of a synod was to call together representatives of the clergy and the lay people to see how the Church could more effectively teach and more effectively apply her discipline," Burke said. "Synods never had anything to do with changing doctrine or with changing discipline."

Yea, synods never had anything to do with starting a new religion. The Amazonian Synod is all about our "ecological conversion" and oneness with the planet, not about our oneness with God. It's about uniting the Catholic Church with the world. It calls upon the Church to bow to a planetary idol, not to its Crucified Savior and King on the cross.

According to Archbishop Viganò, 'Christ is absent' from the synod's working document. German Cardinal Walter Brandmüller openly says it contains "heresy" and approaches "apostasy."

The synod indeed marks a historic attempt to dethrone Christ and secularize the Catholic Church. For it seeks to dignify the superstition of pagan culture while standing against any attempt to convert man from indigenous ways. The faithful have every reason to speak out against this synod, for without prayer and militant action it promises to be another disaster for the Church.

Monday, September 30, 2019

Pope Gives Rousing Endorsement to James Martin

[America] Pope Francis received James Martin, S.J., in a 30-minute private audience in the papal library of the Vatican’s Apostolic Palace this morning, Sept. 30, in what is seen here as a highly significant public statement of support and encouragement for this U.S. Jesuit. Father Martin is well known as a public speaker, author and for his pastoral ministry to L.G.B.T. people.
“I was very moved by my encounter with a real pastor,” a joy-filled Father Martin told America after the meeting. “I am most grateful to the Holy Father for his generosity in granting me an audience in the midst of his busy schedule,” he said.
Father Martin would not reveal what the pope said to him in the course of their conversation, except that “we both laughed several times.” He did say, however, that “among other things, I shared with Pope Francis the experiences of L.G.B.T. Catholicsaround the world, their joys and their hopes, their griefs and concerns. I also spoke about my own ministry to them and how they feel excluded.” He concluded, “I saw this audience as a sign of the Holy Father’s care for L.G.B.T. people.”

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Catholic Bishops Decry Jewish Intimidation of Christians in Palestine

“Who both killed the Lord Jesus, and their own prophets, and have persecuted us; and they please not God, and are contrary to all men” (I Thes. 2:15)

Edit:  not a lot of press coverage by our vigilant fifth estate.

Jish (Agenzia Fides) - The Assembly of Catholic Ordinaries of the Holy Land has denounced the recent acts of intimidation perpetrated against local Christian communities by extremist Jewish groups, considered close to the settler movement.
On the morning of Friday, July 19, 2019, in Jish, in Galilee, unknown assailants damaged cars and wrote slogans in offensive Hebrew against Christians. The previous week, Friday 12 July, participants in a parish party held at the Church of St. James in Beit Hanina, a suburb of East Jerusalem, were hit by the launch of tomatoes and other objects thrown by provocateurs residing at the nearby Jewish settlement of Naveh Yaacov. At least in the first case, the intimidating act is attributable to the groups that in recent years have hit mosques or Christian places (Tabgha, Beit Jamal, Latrun, the Dormition, etc.) in various ways, signing their own violent acts and their profanations with the "Price Tag" formula (the price to pay).

The ordinary Catholic Bishops of the Holy Land issued a statement on Friday 19 July in which, among other things, they express sadness and sorrow for the repetition of criminal acts that are not prosecuted, despite numerous complaints made.
Attacks and profanations against Christian monasteries, churches and cemeteries perpetrated by extremist groups identified with the slogan "Price Tag" began in February 2012. Since then, extremist militants from groups close to the settler movement have also carried out attacks against mosques frequented by the Palestinian Arabs of Islamic religion.

The crimes committed by "Price tag" express the racial hatred of the ultra-nationalist Jewish right, and they often go unpunished. In May 2016, as reported by Agenzia Fides (see Fides, 24/5/2016), the Israeli-based Association of Rabbis for Human Rights also launched a campaign to raise awareness among Israeli political forces about the emergency represented by attacks on Christian and Muslim religious targets by extremist gangs. (GV) (Agenzia Fides, 22/7/2019)

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Pope Francis: Man Must Obey the UN

By David Martin

2000 years ago, Christ instituted the Roman Catholic Church with the commission that it enlighten all peoples on the path of salvation and provide a sure means of attaining it. As Christ sees it, the Roman Catholic Church is the one central world authority to which all peoples should be subjugated.

In 1945, the archenemies of Christianity founded the United Nations with the objective of destroying Christianity and submerging the world’s peoples under the tyranny of communistic one-world government. The U.N. today is that central world force that is generating the present day revolt against the Faith, with special emphasis on children’s rights, feminist rights, abortion rights, LGBT rights, and all the Masonic rights that were created to separate man from God. The U.N. asserts that these “rights” are to be respected everywhere by all peoples.
Pope Francis agrees. During a September 10 press conference on route to Rome from Madagascar, the pope insisted that when the United Nations speaks, man must listen.

“When we acknowledge international organizations and we recognize their capacity to give judgment, on a global scale—for example the international tribunal in The Hague, or the United Nations—If we consider ourselves humanity, when they make statements, our duty is to obey … We must obey international institutions. That is why the United Nations were created.”

So according to Francis, when the U.N. says that homosexuals must be free to express their sexual orientation and that women must be guaranteed their right to abortion, the world must obey. Hard to believe? Let us not forget that the pope on several occasions has invited U.N. abortion advocates like Jeffery Sachs and Ban Ki moon to speak at the Vatican concerning their  Sustainable Development Goals of making “mother earth” a safer place through population control.

On April 29, 2015, the Vatican officially endorsed their United Nations Goals (SDGs), which include contraception, abortion, and euthanasia. Moreover, the pope in May 2019 was calling for a supranational, legally constituted body to enforce these U.N. Sustainable Development Goals.

Since his election, the pope has advocated that we look to this global elite for our instruction, as expressed in his encyclical Laudato Si: “There is urgent need of a true world political authority.” Wasn’t the authority of the King of kings good enough? The U.N. is the infamous brood of vipers that is perverting the nations and bringing them to a collision course, so why is Francis commending the flock to them?

Rooted in the Talmud

Let us take a closer look that these infernal elite masters that Francis adulates. The cult of the Grand Masters goes back to the time of the Pharisees with their practice of sorcery and their murder of the Christ. The written form of the Pharisaic tradition is the Talmud, penned by the descendants of the Pharisees in the fourth century, which forms the backbone of modern Judaism and which hurls the most hateful and pornographic insults against Jesus Christ, even condemning Him to hell to boil in His own excrement.

The Talmudic cult has come up through the ages as the key persecutor of religion, though it formerly wasn’t known by any particular name other than "pagan" or "infidel." The name “Illuminati,” signifying “light bearer,” was first used by a 15th century German sect that claimed to possess the “light” of Lucifer. 

The Illuminati

The movement then assumed a more structured form in 1776 with the founding of the Illuminati in Germany by Adam Weishaupt, a Jewish philosopher and Talmudist. He supposedly converted and became a priest of the Jesuit order, but after being expelled from the ranks he harbored a vicious hatred against God and the Roman Catholic Church, and thence he was committed to founding a global system that would war against Christ and subjugate the world’s peoples to the authority of a world government run by a small financial elite.

Meanwhile, Mayer Amschal of the Rothschild banking dynasty was in search of a way to establish world control through his financial empire, being a Talmudist himself. He knew that in order for his dark empire to succeed, the Catholic Church with its illuminating force would have to be destroyed. In 1773 he met with Weishaupt, and seeing his sinister ambitions he commissioned him to formulate a system that would advance his own aspirations, and in turn he vowed to financially support Weishaupt's war against religion. 

Hence we saw the birth of the Illuminati which, from that point, would labor incessantly to replace the institutionalized Order of God with its own. The Illuminati would then be the foundation of all anarchist movements to follow, including the French Revolution of 1789 and the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia (1917) that was funded by Jacob Schiff and the Rothschilds in New York.

Revolution indeed is on tap for mankind if there isn’t a universal return to God and His Commandments. The globalist plan is to bring about a worldwide “revolt,” but this can be foiled through prayer and a concerted effort to expose these globalists.

The Illuminati banks on its secrecy for success. When certain people started growing wise to their secret plotting in the 1800s, members found it necessary to camouflage their existence in order to keep the public in the dark, so they began operating under different names in different parts of the globe.

The Council on Foreign Relations

Hence the Council on Foreign Relations was born. Founded in 1921, the CFR is nothing more than the North American branch of the Illuminati. Their plan is to crumble the U.S. so that we will eventually be forced to merge with their new-world government, whereby our nation’s sovereignty will be nullified. 

Admiral Chester Ward, a former Judge Advocate of the U.S. Navy, was a CFR member for sixteen years before resigning in disgust. He said: “The main purpose of the Council on Foreign Relations is promoting the disarmament of U.S. sovereignty and national independence, and submergence into an all-powerful one-world government.”

United Nations Drafted by the CFR 

It was the Council on Foreign Relations that drafted the United Nations in 1945. A group of CFR members in the State Department calling themselves the Informal Agenda Group conceived the idea of the U.N. They played their advantage knowing that the proposal of a “world peace-keeping organization" would go over big in the wake of all the heartbreaks of World War II. They drafted the original plan and secured the approval of President Roosevelt, a secret society initiate himself, who then made establishing the U.N. his highest postwar priority. At the UN’s founding meeting in San Francisco in 1945, forty-seven of the American delegates were CFR members. Speaks volumes!

David Rockefeller, the long-time Chairman of the CFR had this to say in 2002 about his aspirations: “Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as ‘internationalists’ and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structureone world, if you will. If that’s the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.” (Memoirs, pg. 405) 

Francis Executing Internationalist Plan

What the internationalists advocate is a universal break from the past and a merger of all peoples into an ecumenical one-world government/religion, which the Second Vatican Council was instrumental in advancing. Pope Francis advocates this departure from the past and merger with other religions, which has elicited praise from globalists and Freemasons the world over.  

For instance, In July 2013, commemorating his friend and late Cardinal Ersilio Tonini, the Masonic Grand Master Gustavo Raffi (Grand Orient of Italy) launched this tribute to Pope Francis:
“Humanity today is poorer and poorer, as is also the Catholic Church. But the one of Pope Francis is a church that promises to be respectful of the otherness and to share the idea that the secular state promotes peace and coexistence of different religions.”
On September 21, 2013, during the celebrations by the Freemasons of the Grand Orient of Italy, Grand Master Gustavo Raffi also stated, inter alia:
“Pope Francis launches messages of humanity that are in tune with what we have been saying for years…. This is a living Masonry, talking to people [in a dialogue].”
On and on the praises go, the reason being that this pope from the beginning has done the bidding of Freemasons to down-talk Church tradition, even dubbing “schismatic” those who hold tenaciously to the old teachings, while continually emphasizing that we move forward with this Masonic plan to unite the Catholic Church with the world.   

Pope Calls for “Global Pact” for a “New Humanism”

And now the pope acting as a U.N. pawn has announced he is hosting an initiative for a “global pact” to create a “new humanism.” 

“A global educational pact is needed to educate us in universal solidarity and a new humanism,” Francis said in a recent video message to launch the initiative. Pope Francis invites religious, political leaders to sign ‘Global Pact’ for ‘new humanism’  As if Christ didn’t already give us the solution for world peace and unity! The implication is that Christ’s instruction through tradition is ineffective so that this new humanism is now needed.

What is needed is a universal return to God and His Divine Laws, which means a universal rejection of the secular humanism that Francis is peddling for his global masters. He cannot bow to Jesus Christ and to globalists at the same time. He cannot advocate a new church of man and be truly Catholic at the same time. For our unity is with Christ, not with the world.  

What Christ requires of the hierarchy is that they reject humanism and restore His Church to its former position of honor as it stood before Vatican II. For the Freemasons infiltrated Vatican II and engendered the new order of change that is fast coming to a head under Francis, so our duty as Catholics is to resist this new order of temptation and to remain ever faithful under siege, remembering the exhortation of St. Paul for withstanding these days of Antichrist:

“Therefore, brethren, stand fast; and hold the traditions which you have learned, whether by word, or by our epistle.” (2 Thessalonians 2:14)


Sunday, September 15, 2019

Buda Liberated — 333 Years Ago Hungary’s Capital Was Freed From the Turk

Buda eliberata, thanksgiving on the occasion of the liberation of the Hungarian capital from Ottoman rule 333 years ago. In the background the equestrian statue of St. Stephen the First at the Fisherman's Bastion.

On 2 September 1686, 333 years ago, the Holy League was able to free the castle of Buda from the Turks.

Last week, on the day of the triumph, the Savior of Hungary, Blessed Pope Innocent XI, was born. At his monument in the castle district of the Hungarian capital, a wreath was laid down and in the Matthias Church, there, a Mass if thanksgiving was said. The monument to the Pope was built on the occasion of the 250th anniversary in gratitude for the liberation from the Turk on Andreas-Hess-Platz.
"Beyond military success, the reconquest of Buda has been an important milestone in the survival of our nation. Through this reminder, we want to emphasize that we, in the future, intend to continue to live our traditions and values ​​and to protect them at all times. This is our shared responsibility. "
These words were spoken by Alexandra Szalay-Bobrovniczky, deputy mayor of Budapest. In her speech she also referred to Bl. Innocent XI, who, in addition to the renewal of religious life of the Church, regarded the expulsion of the Muslim conquerors from Europe as his main task. For this purpose he used all his diplomatic powers and all his moral authority and organized a Europe-wide crusade.

Alexandra Szalay-Bobrovniczky in front of the monument of Pope Innocent XI.

Budapest Sr. Mayor in front of the Monument to Pope Innocent XI.

By the termination of the one and a half centuries of occupation, he earned himself immense merit. That's why he rightly deserves the title of "Savior of Hungary," as the Senior Mayor emphasized.

In his solemn speech, Mátyás Kéthelyi, President of the Actio Christiana and organizer of the memorial service, spoke of the importance of faith and mission as well as strength and unity. As he said, the liberators of Buda could give an example to today's Christians in these matters.

For if they had not had deep faith and consequent missionary awareness and had not overcome the division that sundered Europe at that time, they would not have been able to drive out the pagans who would still be in Budapest today.

At that time, Christians did not talk about dialogue. They knew that one could not oppose the heathen from the comfortable armchair, Kéthelyi added. He emphasized that at that time it was not simply a

Hungarian-Turkish war. It was a religious war, a fight against Islam. Therefore, beyond the triumphant victory over the conquerors, we must first of all be grateful to God and to the Blessed Virgin Mary, who have helped the Christian armies to victory, according to the President of Actio Christiana.

Mátyás Kéthelyi, the President  of Actio Christiana, at his commemorative speech

After the wreath-laying  a Pontifical High Mass of thanksgiving was sung in the traditional Rite, which followed in the spirit of that time and the model after the victory a procession of thanks for the Church.

Who is the Actio Christiana?

Actio Christiana is a Christian NGO whose goal is the revival and spread of Hungarian and Central European religious and Christian traditions and folk traditions.

These include on Palm Sunday, the revival a re-enactment of Jesus' entry into Jerusalem on the back of a donkey; the beer blessing on Florianitag in May; the memorial service described here in September in the castle district of Buda; the Gift of St. Martin parade with lanterns in November and the St. Nicholas parade in December, mainly in the city center of Budapest.

These traditions were not allowed during Communist rule for more than 40 years. Their revival is, therefore, possible only step by step.

Painting by Gyula of Benczur: "Reclaiming Buda" (1896)

The importance of reconquest

Hungary was in constant conflict with the expanding Ottoman Empire since the second half of the 14th century. In 1354, the Ottomans occupied the first bridgehead on European soil. From then on,
Christian Europe, which they tried to conquer and subjugate, pressed against it.

Matthias Church with the miraculously recovered Virgin Mary statue

Matthias Church with the then miraculously found statue of Mary with baby Jesus

However, in 1526, at the Battle of Mohács, the medieval kingdom of Hungary collapsed under the overwhelming weight of the Ottoman army. The Turks invaded the capital Buda in the same year, but left the city again. The center of the country came only in 1541, completely under Turkish rule, under which it would remain for the next 145 years.

The one and a half centuries of occupation by the Ottomans tore Hungary to pieces. The ongoing wars devastated the greater part of the country. The Muslim conquerors chained hundreds of thousands of Christians and enslaved them. Hundreds of thousands more died in a heroic death in battle or fell victim to the enemy's arson.

This depleted Hungary would not have been able to free itself from the shackles of the Ottoman Empire by itself. A European union was necessary.

Holy Mass in thanksgiving for liberation from the Turk 333 years ago

Pontifical High Mass in thanksgiving for the liberation 333 years ago

Blessed Pope Innocent XI. It was a great effort to bring about this union in a Europe that had been
tormented and divided decades before by religious wars.

The strong belief of our ancestors and their resulting courageous attitude finally led to the victory of the Christian armies on 2 September 1686 at Buda. This triumph made it possible for Hungary, in the following ten years, to be completely liberated and become the protective bastion of Christendom.

Procession on 2 September 2019

Mattiaskirche: procession on 2 September 2019

As Blessed Innocent XI. received the news of the victory, he ordained the day of liberation in the Universal Church as the memorial day of St. King Stephen.

The pastor of the Christian armies, Blessed Marco d'Aviano, a Capuchin, celebrated Holy Mass on the day of victory that was followed by a procession with the Blessed Sacrament and the "Gunpowder Madonna" found under the rubble.

Since then, it is a tradition in Buda to celebrate the liberation from Mohamedan rule.

Image: Actio Christiana / Benedek Sás / Wikicommons / (Screenshots)
Trans: Tancred

Friday, September 13, 2019

Cardinal Ouellette Criticizes German Bishops’ Push for Laicisation

Plans to include laypersons in a reform process have sparked anger in the Vatican. The Catholic Church in Germany is now on a head-on collision course with Rome.
The German Bishops' Conference received a stern warning from the Vatican over planned reform consultations, it was revealed on Friday.
The letter from Rome criticised the German Church's "synodal path," which is due to begin in December. The initiative is meant to deal with topics such as celibacy, sexual morality, abuse of power and the role of women in the church, as well as coming to terms with abuse cases. 
The Vatican's assessment, written by Cardinal Marc Oullet, who heads the Vatican's Pontifical Council for Legislative Texts, was also especially critical of the fact that the Conference had included the Central Committee for German Catholics (ZdK) in the process. [We Are Church people in Germany. The usual over educated liberals and academic elites who are gradually graying into incoherence.] 
This means that laypersons will have a voice alongside the clergy. [No, it just means that professional Catholics will impose a progressive narrative that most Catholics in the pew don’t care about.]

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Ukrainian Grand Archbishop Says Married Clergy Won’t Solve Priest Shortage

ROME - Archbishop Sviatoslav Shevchuk, Major Archbishop of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, has urged those considering allowing priests in the Latin rite to marry in order to help solve a crippling shortage, to proceed with caution, saying marriage has not curbed shortages in his own rite.
With five blooming seminaries in Ukraine alone, “thanks be to God we do not lack vocations,” Shevchuk said, but noted that despite the fact that priests in his church - the largest of the 23 sui iuris eastern churches in full communion with Rome - have the ability to marry, the high numbers don’t appear for Greek Catholics in other countries.
“The same church with the same way of living the priestly vocation in other countries around the world does not enjoy this quantity of vocations,” he said, noting that numbers in the United States and Canada, among others, are few.

Monday, September 9, 2019

Orthodox Bishop Isolated for Condemning Unnatural Acts Between Married People

Edit: after condemning unnatural acts between married couples, an Orthodox Bishop not only finds himself the odd man out among Cyprus’ episcopate, but he has narrowly avoided being charged with hate speech against aberrosexuals. Aberrosexuality was still punishable in Cyprus until 1998, but they decided that membership in the satanic European Union was more important than having a Godly society.  It’s amusing to see one of his brother bishops echoing Patriarch Bartolomeos by saying he has “no business in a married couple’s bedroom”. Well, Bishop, what goes on in + Neophytos’ diocese is none of your business, but I digress. This Bishop has remained firm in his position and was ready to face jail in the increasingly evil island Republic that has been home for the Orthodox Christians for two thousand years.

Cyrpus’ Attorney General has decided that no hate crime exists and will not prosecute the bishop, but evil voices persist that would like to silence anyone, be he bishop or layman, who would dare to condemn the evils of Sodom.

Police in Cyprus have opened an investigation into homophobic remarks made by a controversial bishop.
[Guardian] At the request of the island’s attorney general, investigators will examine whether the Greek Cypriot Orthodox prelate, known popularly by his first name, Neophytos, violated hate speech laws after he claimed that homosexuality could be passed on when pregnant women had anal sex.

“It is, they say, a problem that is usually transferred to the child from the parents,” the bishop of Morphou said in one of a series of talks billed as “spiritual meetings of dialogue”. “And, they say, it happens … when the parents [indulge] in erotic acts that are unnatural.”