Saturday, April 27, 2024

До свидания | We're off to Russia!


  1. Don't let the door hit your asses on the way out. The SPLC have enough kooks and bigots to keep them busy.

    1. Says the guy who has never been in Russia 😂

  2. Non-Russian Eastern Europeans are laughing at you 🤣 Mother Russia is even bigger of a whore than the US.

  3. Ooooh, thith maketh Gabwiel & hith thwishop fwiendth tho angwy.

    1. A bunch of incestuous drunken Russians, Serbs and Uzbeks is not the "world"

  4. No wonder the USA is the laughingstock of the civilized world.

  5. Do they realize that the current favored method of birth control in Russia is abortion?
    No one there bats an eye about it.
    Not unusual for women to have 10 abortions in their lifetime.
    The majority of Russians have zero interest in any religion.
    Only about 10% go to church on major holidays.
    The Orthodox church serves only at the pleasure of the Government.
    Alcoholism is rampant.
    The climate stinks for much of the year.
    The population is 148 million. The population is not replacing itself. In 50 years Russia will truly be a 3rd world country. (That's IF the Chinese don't waltz in and steal their mineral wealth).
    You, your wife and children will live in a 800 sq.ft. apartment and share a kitchen/toilet.

    Final memo:
    If you are moving lock, stock and barrel, to another country, it is a great idea to learn their language. Unlike the U.S. , Russia does not mandate interpreters anywhere. If you don't speak/understand Russian....tough s**t.

  6. I can't think of a better shit hole for inbred latin mass devotees.

    1. Not having ever travelled in Russia, Gabwee-ew declares it a shithoh!

      Oh deaw!

    2. Not very kind at all.

  7. "A bunch of incestuous drunken Russians, Serbs and Uzbeks is not the "world""

    You're right Nemo 10:15 AM but Bonker T and his bedwetting adherents like Barnum think that what was the old Soviet Bloc is still the model of the ideal human community. The 'incestuous drunks' constitute the entertainment sector.

  8. Gaybrielle thinks the Soviet Union was a “model of the ideal human community,” eh?

  9. Awesome! Not surprised the Jew Shapiro wishes you ill.

    This is our future as Traditional Catholics. Please continue to report back how you are treated in Russia by the Orthodox community. I doubt it could be any worse than the treatment by the Satanist Community in the USA and England.

  10. "....Traditional Catholics..." is a totally misleading description. It is concocted by disgruntled people who cannot handle the implications of the Incarnation of the Son of God for his Body the Church in history.

    The tradition of the Catholic Church is preserved, taught and passed on through the teaching of the Second Vatican Ecumenical Council. Those who do not accept Vatican II in its totality are not members of the Catholic Church.

    1. Funny. We think your VII sect is not Catholic. How do you like this example of diversity?

  11. Try Paul VI, John Paull II, Benedict XVI and Francis.

    Baron is a 50c catechism tart.

  12. Good for you! May you and all your family live long and happy lives in beautiful Russia.

  13. God bless you, if we're younger, I'd come too.

  14. "..We think .."

    Who's "We"?

  15. Beautiful family. Good luck!

  16. I don't think this is the brilliant strategy you think it is.

    1. I totally agree. Very scary for this beautiful family.

  17. The misguided "Benedict Option" revisited by starry eyed losers.

  18. I like Russia. I'd move there. I like Putin, and I can trust what he says to be the truth more than 95% of American politicians. Ukraine has its fun ties to the Nazis and Biden. Ukraine is still a commie state, and unfortunately, communism took over all of Europe. Our Lady saved Russia, as she said.

  19. " like Russia. I'd move there. I like Putin, and I can trust what he says to be the truth more than 95% of American politicians. Ukraine has its fun ties to the Nazis and Biden. Ukraine is still a commie state, and unfortunately, communism took over all of Europe. Our Lady saved Russia, as she said."

    'Natsuki' was Sec of State during the four years of insanity under Bonker.

  20. My biggest concern for this family who is certainly a good upstanding faithful family is the naïveté. Even though the states are very flawed right now and we should all be fighting the good fight for what is right and good. You don’t have those rights to fight for the good over there. They just throw you in prison and there you stay.

    All those young men over there thrown to the meat grinder too with the war. Very sad but there is no utopia on earth and at least here you can fight.

    My step father’s family (whose father was an orthodox priest) were taken hostage from Russia by Germany during WWII. They spent 4 years separated from their father in a work camp. When they were rescued they came to the US ,they didn’t go back home to Mother Russia.

    I just would rethink that whole thing people - please!

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. People think the Russian Federation is still the Communist Soviet Union which fell in 1990 without one drop of blood spilt. I agree with Natsuki. JPII's 1984 Consecration of Russia caused the fall of Russian Communism in 1990. However, now the US is like the old Communist Soviet Union with Obama as Stalin. (What? You think Biden is running the USA show?)

    Russia has many political parties today. The Communist Party is one of many but has only 57 reps out of 450 th the Duma. Putin is not a member of that party. People need to stop listening to the leftist USA Communist media.

    So, good for the family moving to Russia. May their future be bright.
