Thursday, March 28, 2024

Female Spanish Teacher Grooming Student at Benedictine High School

Edit: Saint John’s Abbey’s Preparatory School has scaled back the use of religious for instruction over the last twenty years. Instead, they’ve hired a Bosnian groomer, Martina Talic, who is suspiciously and scandalously close to a male student. Concerned fellow students and faculty made a statement to the unreliable Stearns County Sheriff.

According to Behind the Pine Curtain, the report by the witnesses differs from Sterns County.

Talic was engaging in predatory behavior with the male student.

“At one point in time, Talic said [redacted] is her “bodyguard” for the day. While [redacted] was sitting on one of the chairs, Talic was sitting on the arm rest nd was constantly touching him.”


On the right with the cleavage 

“Throughout their investigation, they spoke with three adults and four students, who had the same general complaints and views. They all said Talic and [redacted] were constantly by each other and constantly touching each other.” – Stearns County Sheriff Case #24011260


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