Saturday, February 10, 2024

People like Gaybrielle won't be happy until they can be hooked up with an IV drip

We never expected any more from Mark Shea who probably writes his own letters to the editor, but the hierarchy needs to be held accountable for their complicity in trying to wipe out brown people.

with the vestment and sacramental of a new religion


  1. Tell the people the truth, Tucker. Are you on your fourth or fifth booster?

  2. Our whole family had shot # 6 last week. The target strain of COVID 19 is XBB 1.5. It has killed hundreds of thousands of people.

    Get the shots. They'll save your life.

    Bonker wants to make COVID Vaccination in America great again and Bonker's loyal disciples always comply.

  3. Bonker gets booed at his own rallies when he talks up the vax.

  4. Tucker too has had his fifth shot, despite the public denialist game, and is lining up for another one to see him covered in the iffy Spring period. Tucker should know. The virus nearly killed him and it's only the COVID vaccination program that has saved him.

  5. Like I am going to listen to the jewess in nun drag about anything.

  6. Tom:

    Does it come from Chy-nuh?

  7. "Does it come from Chy-nuh?"

    No wonder America is cactus and the laughingstock of the free world.

  8. Who’s the priest? Is he a converso too?

    1. Bishop Brennan of the Diocese of Brooklyn, NY

    2. Limp-wristed pasty white Irishman heads up the USCCB’s DEI programme. NYC is divided into two separate dioceses because Brooklyn, before the eponymous Bridge, was a separate city.

  9. Gaybrielle doesn't take the dethvaxx because AIDS has immunocompromised him.

  10. I decided not to get the vaccine. Most of the vaccines available are abortion tainted, so they are completely unacceptable for a Catholic to receive. COVID19 has a 98%+ survival rate for persons under 60 years. None of the vaccines stop a person from either contracting or transmitting COVID19. Safe anti-virals such as Ivermectin are very effective at minimizing any COVID19 symptoms, if taken early. In summary, there are both moral and practical reasons to reject the vaccines. There is another reason: I don't want the risk of developing myocarditis or pericarditis, or the reduced life expectancy that arises from these conditions. There are media reports suggesting a link between the vaccines and either of these conditions, even though the total numbers of persons affected presently appears to be low.

    1. I was waiting for Novavax because of the moral issue. In the end, it wasn’t approved until they tested it on fetal lines.

      I tested positive for covid and only because I received a free kit in the mail. I wouldn’t have considered myself sick as the symptoms were not as bad as my seasonal allergies. But, they don’t give you paid time off!

  11. Everyone I know who took the jab got covid. Five were double boosted and it put them in hospital.
    Sure, I know un-jabbed people who got covid but that was before the “vaccine” roll-out or the symptoms were so mild they didn’t even know they were sick.

    The stat to watch is: total excess deaths by county and compare this to vax rates.

    1. Said a caller to a British call in show: “I took the first vaccine 💉 …… it put me in hospital for a day. When I took the 2nd, it put me in hospital for a week. Why the bloody hell should someone like me have
      to give up a hospital bed to some covid patient who refused to get vaccinated?”

      I wonder how many more he took and if he’s still with us.

  12. When are y'all going to give it a rest on this vaccine crap?

  13. Nemo 2: 51 AM: Fetal stem cell technology:

    "I decided not to get the vaccine. Most of the vaccines available are abortion tainted, so they are completely unacceptable for a Catholic to receive. COVID19 has a 98%+ survival rate for persons under 60 years."

    The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith ruled decades ago that it is morally acceptable for Catholics to be receive vaccines developed from fetal stem cell technologies. The principles on which that ruling was made were repeated in 2005 and 2020.

    Furthermore, Nemo, you might have to review your rejection of COVID 19 vaccines on the basis of the employment of fetal stem cell technology in their development when thousands of medicines, food and cosmetic products rely on the same technology:

    Drugs used in the treatment of Parkinson's disease; Chickenpox; Hepatitis A; Shingles; Rabies; Rubella/measles and the list goes on.

    The same technology is used in goods produced by Kraft, Campbells etc.: skin-care creams, including anti-aging moisturizers, mouthwash, many prescription drugs and even good ole Pepsi.

    Too late, old chap.

    1. Tom “Gaybrielle “ Klirton Most trads stateside don’t eat that crap. Have you seen Pepsi stock lately?? 😂

  14. And you might add that all of the drugs that kept Cardinal Burke's sorry ass alive were developed by fetal cell technology.
    Huh! I guess it ain't sin when he's getting them.

  15. Bingo, Nemo 4:12 PM. Burke like some many others in the faux-denialist industry want it both ways. Tucker played the same game until he nearly dropped off the twig. He's had the full spread of vaccination and has not looked back, just sideways!

  16. I learnt years ago that water was use in the testing of fetal cells and haven’t had a drop since.


  17. Gaybrielle knows it all, but does he violate HIPAA to know what Cardinal Burke’s prescriptions were during Covid?

    I know he wishes Burke had died, but does he violate HIPAA too?

  18. The great silence from the disingenuous denialist brigade is monastic:

    "Furthermore, Nemo, you might have to review your rejection of COVID 19 vaccines on the basis of the employment of fetal stem cell technology in their development when thousands of medicines, food and cosmetic products rely on the same technology:

    Drugs used in the treatment of Parkinson's disease; Chickenpox; Hepatitis A; Shingles; Rabies; Rubella/measles and the list goes on.

    The same technology is used in goods produced by Kraft, Campbells etc.: skin-care creams, including anti-aging moisturizers, mouthwash, many prescription drugs and even good ole Pepsi."

  19. Just admitting how ghoulish medical science is and targeting foods you think hillbilly trads eat with “Velveeta Cheese and Pepsi” really doesn’t score points and shows how out of touch you are with the demographic.

    You’re just not that sophisticated, Gaybrielle.

  20. Tucker and friend are apoplectic with rage.

  21. Bsp Brennan was in Columbus, Ohio for a while. Along with his COVID Tsar Rev Mickey Lumpe, they both got COVID for each time they got boosted.

  22. Gaybrielle-bot comes back with the same old material.

  23. ".....fetal stem cell technology in their development when thousands of medicines, food and cosmetic products rely on the same technology:

    Drugs used in the treatment of Parkinson's disease; Chickenpox; Hepatitis A; Shingles; Rabies; Rubella/measles and the list goes on.

    The same technology is used in goods produced by Kraft, Campbells etc.: skin-care creams, including anti-aging moisturizers, mouthwash, many prescription drugs and even good ole Pepsi."

    Man up, chaps, everyone is loaded with material developed from fetal stem cell technology so you can give that line of contrived denialism a rest at least until the unhinged Tucker floats it all again.

  24. ".....fetal stem cell technology in their development when thousands of medicines, food and cosmetic products rely on the same technology:

    Drugs used in the treatment of Parkinson's disease; Chickenpox; Hepatitis A; Shingles; Rabies; Rubella/measles and the list goes on.

    The same technology is used in goods produced by Kraft, Campbells etc.: skin-care creams, including anti-aging moisturizers, mouthwash, many prescription drugs and even good ole Pepsi."

    Man up, chaps, everyone is loaded with material developed from fetal stem cell technology so you can give that line of contrived denialism a rest at least until the unhinged Tucker floats it all again.

  25. Repeating the same programmatic tosh in your usual “Christian” manner doesn’t wash, Gaybrielle. Find something to do, will you?

  26. Why are my comments being pulled?

  27. Why do so many American think the sun, moon and the stars shine out of Bonker's fundamental orifice? Why does Rupert still employ the moron Hannity and the smirking dolt, Ingraham?
    ????????s everywhere

  28. I don’t know 🤷‍♀️

  29. "Why are my comments being pulled?"

    Possibly because Tucker hates you.

  30. "Is that a nun or a JAP?"
    I think she might be the Superior of the Slaves of IHM in Richmond NH
