Saturday, November 11, 2023

Strickland breaks his six hour silence


  1. Joe Strickland will wind up pumping gas like Finnbarr Broderick before him.

    1. Jose Boofoo November 11, Broderick was exonerated as will be Strickland.

  2. He's been in training for years polishing turds. T

    he darling of the chest thumpers among the Conservative cohort will be dropped like a ton of bricks.

    1. Wtf are you talking about? Can you please speak English.

  3. "Strickland breaks his six hour silence" - best headline ever!

    When Joseph Martino was resigned, LSN was outraged by the insinuation that the pope (B16) forced his ouster: “That the wonderful Bishop Martino was 'silenced' is the musing of sick media minds like Gibson's that look for scandal everywhere,” wrote Euteneuer. “Scandal indeed is the media's business while the care of souls is the business of the Church.”

    "At least three times during Pope Benedict XVI’s visit to the United States, a prominent pro-choice Catholic politician has received communion during a papal Mass. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Massachusetts Senator John Kerry, both Democrats, took communion during the Mass on Thursday at Nationals Park in Washington, and former New York Mayor Rudolph Giuliani, a Republican, received communion in St. Patrick’s Cathedral on Saturday.

    For months preceding his resignation -- at the age of 63, 12 years before the usual retirement age for bishops -- rumors flew around the diocese that the increasingly unpopular bishop had been called to Rome in June and had been asked, urged or maybe even ordered to submit his resignation.

    His instruction to priests, deacons and lay ministers of the Eucharist that they must not give Communion to those who are unworthy -- widely understood to refer chiefly to pro-choice Catholic politicians.

    His criticisms during last year’s election campaign of those, including other U.S. bishops, who would not call abortion the paramount issue for Catholic voters in the elections.

    His unannounced appearance interrupting a parish forum last fall on “Faithful Citizenship,” the latest statement from the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops on political responsibilities of Catholics. Martino famously told the gathering that he was the church’s sole official teacher in Scranton and “no conference document is relevant in this diocese.”

    His refusal to meet with the presidents of the four Catholic colleges and universities in the diocese until they offered him, and made public, the complete syllabi of all courses that related to religion, faith and morals.

    At last November’s national meeting of bishops, Martino publicly told the bishops that newly elected Vice President Joseph Biden Jr., a Scranton native with a pro-choice voting record as a U.S. senator from Delaware, would not be welcome to receive Communion in Scranton.

    He similarly threatened Sen. Robert Casey, D-Pa., with refusal of Communion because Casey -- one of the most pro-life Democrats in Congress -- voted to confirm Kathleen Sebelius, who supports legalized abortion, as U.S. secretary of health and human services.

    In 2004, though, the diocese of Scranton, Pennsylvania, settled a lawsuit against him, another priest and the diocese for $400,000. The suit had alleged the two men engaged in a pattern of sexual misconduct, the GlobalPost has reported....In Scranton, he founded a priestly society where the pre-Vatican II old Latin Mass was celebrated. In 2004, Scranton Bishop Joseph Martino suppressed the society, citing financial instability and allegations of sexual misconduct against Urrutigoity. Despite Martino’s warnings, Livieres in 2005 allowed Urrutigoity to join his diocese in Paraguay’s second-largest city.

  4. 1) Compared himself to St. John the Baptist and St. John the Apostle
    2) Did not correct Weston when he compared him to St. Athanasius
    3) Did not seem to take the bait that Weston offered regarding the multiple thousands that are ready to rally to him. He did not, however, tell Weston to knock it off.
    4) Proved that he is very good at serving up word-salad platitudes.
    5) Is praying for Pope Francis's conversion which implies that the Pope is in error, but professes his loyalty to the Pope.
    6) Listen to him say how tough that he has it, but is sitting in front of a lovely, crackling, warm fireplace while I am worried about how to pay the damned heating bill this Winter.

    All in all, am not impressed.


    2. Who cares if you're impressed.

    3. Wow, this is really some meticulous pearl clutching!

  5. "Wow, this is really some meticulous pearl clutching!"

    You haven't seen the likes of it until you have a peek at Remnant, NCRegister and, not to be forgotten, Zuhlsdorf Daily Grifter. They're reeking with the self referential and self serving White Martyr,'and 'Cancelled' dribble.

    Strickland is better as far away from the pastoral care of God's people as is possible.

    1. What did he ever do to the Jews?

  6. Every podcaster wants to talk to him now

  7. "Every podcaster wants to talk to him now."

    Possible Mike, but I would hazard a small bet that next week they won't even know his name.

  8. Very prescient, 11/12 @ 8:56 pm

    Observe how Altman has faded into the shadows in just a few weeks.
    Internet attention span: Short.

  9. Indeed. He must enjoy his 15 minutes of infamy while it lasts. The Church moves on.


    1. If that means raising anal sex to a sacrament like Bergoglio and his aberrosexual clique want to do, the church has never meant anything than what sociologists would have of it.

      Maybe that was the intention all along.

  10. Take your COVID vax and shut up!

    🤐 💉

  11. The goyim must take the jab!!!

    1. Plenty of Israelis took Pfizer. That, not Hamas was the worst thing to befall them since the Holocaust 🇮🇱

    2. The important ones took saline.

  12. ",,,was it kosher salt?"

    Don't hold the reader in suspense, Tucker. Tell us, tell us!

  13. (((they))) got the "special" Vaxxes, aka placebos! Only the goyim (mostly White) got the poison jabs!

  14. "...(((they))) got the "special" Vaxxes, aka placebos! Only the goyim (mostly White) got the poison jabs!"

    Show the reader the indisputable evidence. Nemo 5:25 AM
    Bet you can't.
