Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Antifa Scum Attack Hungarian Citizens as a Provocation

Edit: the account sharing the video of the Antifa attack has been shut down by YouTube.

Maybe you’re not interested in war but it’s interested in you!

 [Hungarian ConservativeMonday marked the end of a series of attacks that began on Friday last week, when foreign ‘antifas’ arriving in the country brutally assaulted passers-by selected on the basis of their attire. The antifas obviously concluded that Hungarians wearing black jackets or military gear were probably far-right sympathisers, who wanted to mark the anniversary of the siege of the Buda castle by the Soviet forces in 1945.

Antifa—short for the German Antifaschistische Aktion (Anti-Fascist Action)—is a radical, violent left-wing movement that traces its origins back to the 1930s, but has been resurrected in the early 2000s. Responsible for a number of brutal attacks on conservatives, liberals and freethinkers, both in the United States and in Europe, Antifa has so far largely been absent from Hungarian public life.

As our readers may recall, in 2020 US President Donald Trump threatened—and not for the first time— to classify the US radical left movement Antifa as a terrorist organisation. Back then, the Social Democratic Party (SPD) in Germany, the home country of the ‘anti-fascist activist community’, immediately spoke out in full solidarity with the group, which is mainly made up of young people in their twenties. There have also been attempts in the European Parliament to have the extremist group classified as terrorists, but to no avail.




  1. Another reason for Hungary to still cling to NATO and the EU.

  2. They are and should be classified as a terrorist entité. Everywhere they have sufaced,, violence and destruction ensues, from US, Ireland, Hungary... targeting any thing or anyone, Conservative. The protection, they are granted is Political. Arroser look there, is needed...

  3. Please explain why NATO or the EU should even exist. Throw the bums out! Let Maobama know via harsh/deadly opposition this will not be tolerated in Hungary. Ride them out on a rail.
