Friday, January 20, 2023

MSN Finds that Middle Aged People Are Dying From Missing Church

Edit: dropping out of regular church attendance like Holy Steve did has left a lot of middle aged people out of the public eye, and lack of communion has left them rudderless. There’s less room for accountability and more room for deep acedia and despair to set in.

Of course, if all we had was the Novus Ordo, that would be pretty depressing. Who wants to get up on Sunday morning to attend an off the cuff production with crappy music by sexual predators like Marty Haugen with a creepy Pachamana  idol looking at you from the sanctuary? 

[Market WatchSo-called deaths of despair such as from suicide or alcohol abuse have been skyrocketing for middle-aged white Americans.

It’s been blamed on various phenomenon, including opioid abuse. But a new research paper finds a different culprit — declining religious practice.

The working paper, from Tyler Giles of Wellesley College, Daniel Hungerman of the University of Notre Dame, and Tamar Oostrom of The Ohio State University, looked at the relationship between religiosity and mortality from deaths of despair. The paper was circulated by the National Bureau of Economic Research.



  1. But just keep letting the synagogue of Satan continue to tell you what you should think. It’s for your own good, White Europeans! These be thy gods, Oh Israel!

  2. Right on with Skojec!

  3. Lord, help his poor wife.

    "What does your husband do"?
    "He chases U.F.O.'s, complains about a Church that he left, and nurses hurt feelings about some Priest who pissed him off". "Oh....and posts Twitter junk all night long while drinking".

  4. Is it appropriate to mock a humble man because his wife is the breadwinner?


    I never met an atheist or a homo who didn’t have daddy issues.

  6. Oh, look.
    Mr. "take this down" is back.
    Tancred, you should be trembling. :)

  7. You have a hard time recognising virtues in people and identifying with their inner struggles. I’d have you spend a little time in gaol to think about it.

  8. @Fred, it’s less than ideal, but Holy Steve is his own worst as he cowers at home for fear of the plandemic, timing
    Weed, getting drunk and tweeting about aliens while claiming to be a moral giant himself. Lol

  9. Is he still talking to Hillary Wight? I feel she may be next to walk off the cliff.

  10. I wouldn’t be so fast to mock Steve’s ideas about ETs. He opened his mind after leaving you 🦇 💩 crazy cult.

  11. Maps of Bigfoot sightings and UFO sightings have a lot of overlap.
    Make what you will of that.
