Friday, December 23, 2022

If you're still believing the Covid Narrative, you're living in Clown World πŸŽ…πŸΏπŸ«ƒπŸΌπŸŒπŸŽͺ


  1. Still posting medical misinformation?

  2. Three shots plus a booster were good enough for Bonker Trump-who-lost-by-a-lot and Tucker the Blimp so get yourself out there and get jabbed. The Omircon variants will hit the US bigtime this Winter.
    Don't be dead, get the shots.

  3. Anecdotals was excellent. I looked on YouTube but it got yanked. Thanks for posting.

  4. Interesting that the thing seems to be racing across chink land, unchecked.
    Considering that they unleashed it on the rest of the world, my response is a big yawn.

  5. Hey Jabber :
    The people in the video also got jabbed but they regret it. How long are you willing to wait for the un-jabbed to show regret? As they say on the Isle of Man: Don’t Hold your hand πŸ–️ next to your arse waiting

  6. African vaccination rate is less than 6 percent and Covid has disappeared. Since 2020 the population of Africa has increased by over 5 percent and demographers project the continent will more than double its population by 2050. But to jabbers the experience of black lives don't matter.

  7. "As they say on the Isle of Man: Don’t Hold your hand πŸ–️ next to your arse waiting."

    Make sure you pass on your defiant sentiments to the 1.6 million Chinese who will die in the next months from complications caused by the Omicron variants and these same nasties are coming your way too, Billy Dribble.

  8. Hey Jabber:

    Why don’t you post your bat πŸ¦‡ 🍲 soup recipes here?

  9. It was inevitable that Tauri Sputum would suffer a bout of the highly contagious Black Fox Swamp Fever with accompanying uncontrollable flatulence. Stay down wind and well away form human beings, Bovine Puke.

  10. You’d think Gaybrielle would be too busy on Christmas to bother people who are interested in the science and not his NHS fueled, cringey Saint Vitus nurse dancing propaganda.

  11. "Why don’t you post your bat πŸ¦‡ 🍲 soup recipes here?"
    Yes indeed, the dribbling Bovine is sure interested in the science, eh, Tucker?

  12. You said Omicron was going to wipe all the pure bloods out. I’ll bet you still wear a face diaper and berate peoole angrily in long food lines for not believing the science and staying well-away from you. πŸ˜‚ Truly, the stench of inveterate Gay prolapsed Gaybrielle is horrific!

    Maybe you should use your NHS allowance to schedule a personal trainer, Gaybrielle? May be the diocese will pay for it? After all, people willing to be a NO clergyperson are in short supply, for it can’t be cheap to load up a new seminarian, with the collective nonsense of Bonker Lonrgan’s personalism, Father Ray Brown’s scripture, kooky naked sweat lodge retreats by aberrrosexual celebrity Dominicans and Jungperson’s liturgy.
