Thursday, September 29, 2022

"The Way of Evil" by Roberto Mattei

"The Ways of Evil" is the name of Roberto de Mattei's new book and sheds light on actual and alleged conspiracies, plots and conspiracies of the past 500 years.

By Veronica Rasponi

A few weeks after the "Breve Trattato sulla Divina Provvidenza" ("Short Treatise on Divine Providence"), published by the Roman publisher Fiducia (158 pages, 13 euros), a new book by Roberto de Mattei has been published by the Milanese publisher Sugarco: "I sentieri del male. Congiure, complotti, cospirazioni" ("The Ways of Evil.  Plots, Intrigues, Conspiracies", 160 pages, 16 Euro).

"The Ways of Evil", the new book

The two books complement each other in a way. The "Short Treatise" attempts to prove the existence of Divine Providence, which is the manifestation of the wisdom, omnipotence and love of God in history, which faces the radical disorder that is the free creature's futile attempt to destroy the divine order of the universe. This attempt is a revolutionary process due to the social nature of man, who can join forces with his fellow human beings to do good or achieve evil, which he often does in secret. "The Ways of Evil" is a concise reconstruction of the actual or supposed conspiracies, plots and machinations of the past five centuries, carried out with the rigor of the historian. Above all, it is intended to provide a guide that is less about information and more about the criteria for orienting oneself in the dark labyrinth of evil.

The terms plots, intrigues, and conspiracies are often used as synonyms, but through their semantic and conceptual difference, they can help us better understand the occult dimension of the history of the past five centuries. While plots are collusion limited to a few people and aimed at eliminating a monarch or politician – often for reasons of power – conspiracies are broader projects of an ideological nature. The golden age of plots and political murders stretches from the poisons of the Renaissance to the 18th century. In the 18th century, with the emergence of Freemasonry, the Enlightenment, and the French Revolution, an era began in which, in addition to traditional plots, conspiracies of an ideological and political nature developed. There is a conspiratorial tradition that extends from the Bavarian Illuminati, the Alta Vendita, and communism to the present day. Many historians have proven the existence of these anti-Christian plots and brought the documents to light. The intrigue, on the other hand, is an elusive and opaque structure in which neither the identity of the actors nor the concrete modus operandi are revealed. The difference between conspiracies and intrigues is that the former belongs to the world of history, the latter to the world of fantasy. The contemporary neo-conspiracy – from the Aquarius Conspiracy to the Reptilians to the Great Reset – has nothing to do with the exploration of anti-Christian secret societies, which has always been part of Catholic historiography and apologetics, but seems to play into the hands of all those interested in the psychological, intellectual and moral destabilization of the West. Today there is a tendency to trace every event back to man according to a deterministic key, ignoring the role of Divine Providence, which allows evil but draws good from it. History, according to Roberto de Mattei, does not follow a compelling course and can change due to unpredictable events that are such for people, but not for God, because there is no coincidence and everything is regulated by Divine Providence, including the realization and failure of the plans of the anti-Christian revolution. It is God, and He alone, who supernaturally guides history for His glory and the sanctification of the elect.

"A history of humanity that ignores the heights of holiness," the author writes in the introduction to his study, "would be distorted, but equally distorted would be a story that ignores the existence of the abyss of evil. He who does not abhor evil cannot love good. And if you can't love the good you don't know, you can't hate the evil whose existence you don't suspect. That is the reason that has led me to shed some light on the 'ways of evil' after dedicating a book to Divine Providence, the supreme order of good."


Translation: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Corrispondenza Romana

Trans: Tancred



  1. No traction with Roberto. He's lost himself in his own syllogisms.

  2. Or his own lies.
