Tuesday, August 2, 2022

Any nation that rejects Jesus will be ruled by Jews



  1. How dare you post a quote from a known anti-Semite.

    1. Go away, Karen. You’re a bootlicker.

  2. Haven't been around here long...eh?

  3. The pope's onkel was a visionary not an anti-Semite

  4. If it walks like a duck 🦆

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. It is anti semitic ( never defined) to quote a man who opposes the tribe that has taught its people that Jesus was the bastard child of a whore named Mary who was raped by Romans while she was menstruating and her bastard child Jesus was justly killed for blasphemy and is in hell submerged in boiling shit

    Yes, Mike Jones is the problem here..,

  7. From here in St. Louis, I followed this video with interest. I find that EMJ has his hand on the "pulse of history". In fact, I took his argument to "Church Militant" and quoted the "Chewish Radical Agenda". Simon Rafe is the moderator and chief of staff. He banned me forever as a racist. --- In doing research on Rafe, I found that there are a sizable number of Jews in Argentina with the surname Rafe. I found a picture of this Rafe character and he is little more than a "smart punk" who has a link to Michael Voris. I also found that Rafe was the creator of a sex video game entitled "Castle Dracula".---I always liked the story of Michael Voris and his effort to change an immoral life. Sadly from photos of his friendship with Rafe, it appears that Voris has his Rasputin. This only reinforces comments aimed at Voris on this site. Frankly, I am saddened at the chain of events.

  8. I really wanted to believe that Voris was like He-Man, a kind of loveable comic book creation who wears cute pastel outfits and his soft-spoken alter ego Adam , but he’s really more of a gay clown.
