Friday, January 14, 2022

Let's just stand back and watch..

This is a lot like the pot calling the kettle African American. Sure, a lot of what Gary says about Bill is true.   We at EF have known for a long time that the divorced windbag is a fraud. 
We've also known that Gary has his own puppet masters.   Opus Deli?  He has his own sugar daddies and has a dark past that makes him easily blackmailable.   One of the reasons Budgie hasn't threatened to sue us like Mike Parrott is because we are hot on a story about Gary's old "husband" and have people offering relatively recent photos of the couple.


  1. I have popcorn at the ready. :)

  2. I wish I had dirt to feed each one about the other.

  3. No need for you to do it.
    These people will be slinging more at each other than Chimps in a Zoo pen.

  4. I used to get upset with people for attacking poor old Voris for his “past”, but when I see him doxing people, we’ll,
    that’s Red.

  5. The problem that I see with him is that his "past" isn't as "past" as is loudly proclaimed.
    It is called "deflection". Get them looking at others. Then they might not look at me.

  6. I'm so old that I remember when Catholic League was located in the Catholic Knights' office-tower in downtown Milwaukee, run by a Jesuit (and CATHOLIC!!!) priest, surviving on maybe $50K/year--most of which went to rent, utilities, and a vastly-underpaid assistant to the Jebby....

  7. 100% agree with Mike Voris. He has done a great service exposing the phony Catholic League.

  8. Don't agree that the Catholic League is "phony".
    They/Him are just making a whole pot full of money doing very little substantive work.
    Apparently lots of folks give the money to them, which allows them to continue.

  9. Donohue is fond of calling those who oppose him as running letter head organisations. I like what E. Michael Jones said: The Catholic League is the most expensive fax machine and Church Militant is Gary’s latest gay disco.

  10. You gotta love Frank Walkers' descriptions. Here's what the link that Brought me here said:

    “This is where the old blowhard goes off the rails. He always does. That’s his nature” – Pink-Tied Michael Voris Goes After Catholic League’s Company Man Bill Donohue

  11. You gotta love Frank Walkers' descriptions. Here's what the link that Brought me here said:

    “This is where the old blowhard goes off the rails. He always does. That’s his nature” – Pink-Tied Michael Voris Goes After Catholic League’s Company Man Bill Donohue

  12. Bill Donohue when last seen (before Covid) on the Howard Stern show was shouting suport for the homosexual float in the St Patrick's Day parade in NYC. A plague upon the Catholic League.

    1. Anonymous 4:37 pm . I remember reading this article from Culture Wars that claimed that Donahue’s phones are “manned” by effeminate fruitcakes.


  13. 'We at EF have known for a long time that the divorced windbag is a fraud". The article author admits that Catholic League is a fraud.

  14. "We at EF have known for a long time that the divorced windbag is a fraud". Even EF knows that Donohue is a fraud.

  15. Gary is a retired journalist who is gay who thinks he’s going to fix the Catholic Church by slandering and doxing people just like a good Communist.

  16. Ah, now i know who this Gary and why does Opus Dei have a connection with him ? And why does Michael have this intense hatred towards SSPX? Just found out recently that even Sungenis applauds CM denouncement of SSPX even when Cardinal Hoyos says they are not in schism.

  17. He received funding from Opus, but the shady corporate structure of Opus enterprises makes it difficult to identify Opus involvement, like Scepter Publishing for example. It’s not clear at first that it’s connected to Opus Dei. You have to dig a little.


  19. I’m disappointed in Sungenis, but he’s not a lowlife like Voris.

  20. Thanks for this Tancred. I too don't think Sungenis a low life but he has changed some of late. His stance on Fatima floored me for one, still no making sense but overall i still appeal to his thinking.
