Sunday, July 25, 2021

Hungary’s Law Protecting Children From Aberrosexuals Comes Into Effect!



  1. That blonde bitch needs a hard crack in the jaw. That would encourage her to see the correct opinion on this subject.

  2. It seems very odd, even out of place, to have this pro-death video attached to a Catholic blog with the main title "Hungary's Law Protecting Children From Aberrosexuals Comes Into Effect".
    The video even militates against the main title of the blog....I don't get it.

  3. I think it's a great video and a fantastically brave act of the Hungarian government to stand up to world opinion in so many conntries including the USA and protect children and general society from the degenerate and perverse LGBTQ element. I wish we had laws like that in the USA in schools that would protect children and general society against this evil.

    I'm sure, however, that if Bergoglio manages to struggle to Hungary in September despite his collapsing health, he speaks up against this new law and sides with the LGBTQ's. THat would be a disgrace and bring shame to the CAtholic FAith.

    Damian M. Malliapalli

  4. St. Stephen bless and protect Hungary
