Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Bishops: You're not going to take away our holy priests!


  1. Banon reminds me of our alchoholic PE teacher in Middle School. 😂

  2. Thank you Liz Yore for all you do,

  3. God bless Liz of Yore and Father Altman.

  4. Altman is out of the Church and well out of his mind. There are hundreds of similar narcissistic clerics like him getting in the way of Jesus Christ, his Gospel message and the God's mission.

  5. Being a gay or approving of sodomy is really important to Gaybrielle’s outmoded ecclesiology.

  6. Most of the 'young priests' so idealized here are gay, lazy, dumb, have little interest in pastoral care, love the 'top shelf' life and are incredibly narcissistic. A large percentage of them are drawn to the Latin Mass fad scene because it gives them the opportunity to dress up in lace, point their arse towards the people, be the center of attention and mutter in a language they can't pronounce properly and don't understand.

  7. Evidently the white coats have let Fred out on day leave.

    1. MS you need to read what St Paul says to the Romans about Gays like you.

  8. Is he an orderly at Bedlam where you reside, Gaybrielle?

  9. Hans KniesvonbumpsendaisieJuly 7, 2021 at 10:19 PM

    The biretta head lacey boys so adored by the Slaves and Feenyites belong to the same branch of the Dodo.
    The Vatican Museum is on the look out for new static exbibits for the next tourist season.

  10. feybriel/MS ONCE AGAIN shows his OBSESSION with all things ass.

    Demons really do 'out' themselves and their true identities don't they?

  11. Gaybrielle can’t stand that Catholicism persists, despite all his seething and hissying.
