Thursday, May 6, 2021

The Apotheosis of Oligarchy: Vendée Radio


  1. Without a doubt, the obnoxious E Michael Jones PhD is brilliant. Two issues of note in this discussion were the obsolescence of environmentalism in the face of the virus and the use of pornography to stoke the French Revolution. His views on Ireland are well worth the price of admission from this son of the green sod.---My only caveat on Dr. Jones is his seeming fixation on discrediting the Irish former Jesuit Malachi Martin. I read his book on line on "The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit" and he spent almost an entire chapter on drumming up outdated criticisms of the participant at Vatican II who read the Third Secret. Nevertheless, Dr. Jones is well worth listening to on every subject that he chooses to elucidate.----He remarked that his reprint of his "Revolutionary" book is back from the printer. I will remark that I have researched it about a month ago and this edition will have two volumes. I am eager to read it and to see what he added to the large volume already in print.

  2. Excellent podcast

  3. A watering hole for Dodos

  4. Vatican Council II ?
    There are two interpretations of the Council.One is supported by the Left. It is created with the false premise, inference and conclusion.It is the common interpretation. It is also the interpretation of E.Michael Jones.
