Friday, May 14, 2021

Time to end the joke

Like most before the Jab, he has few symptoms


  1. Fake news in extremis.

  2. Glad to see the shedding issue discussed.
    I have some personal experience around
    people who were first in line for the jab.

  3. Maher is pompous and independent enough, he may prove valuable in calling bull$hit on this.
    I have more hope in that than anything intelligent from MSNC's 12yr old boy Rachel Madcow

  4. He can now count himself among the liberal fools he mocked for believing the Covid propaganda

  5. "believing the Covid propaganda" Tell that to the daily record of 300k+ infested and 4000 dead in India, then do some math for the Land of the Free.... and the rest and the rest...
    Wake up to yourself Anon 1:06PM.

    1. "Jim Hoffnung" you are right not to mention the many more dead of cancer and TB and Heart Disease. No room for these in the hospitals that are not given the same financial incentives and priority for political reasons.

  6. Probably the reason this "coach potatoe" flu has been given so much exposure is because it is particularly worrisome for the HIV infected. Homosexuals and dryg users are part if the "Sacred Cow" Pantheon of the Pagan God of the Modernist Age.

  7. Why don't we segregate the HIV-infected? In spite of the fact blood tests are not 100% accurate, and many give blood, what are the chances of even 1 HIV infected person getting through into our hospitals blood supplies?

  8. That may explain why the hierarchy was so scared.

  9. 43 minute mark.

    Millions of brand new ventilators taken to landfill in Florida. Hey Cuomo!

  10. "I have more hope in that than anything intelligent from MSNC's 12yr old boy Rachel Madcow"

    🤣 THank you for this comment which made me laugh after a bad day. Working from home, I none the less had to lay off a girl who is a recruiter who was caught by the IT team deleting resumes, portfolios, and query letters from white guys and girls hoping to be contacted for modeling jobs (even though there still ain't very many shoots stateside or foreign due to COVID-19), and forwarding to the appropriate Depts. only those from "people of color", especially black. Th IT Dept found about 40 deleted portfolios. I felt bad, because in these times, some people are unemployed, and turn to my field on a hunch or last hope that they might be selected. HR told me to fire her. Dumb enough not to know she'd get caught.

    Anyway, the "12yr old boy Rachel Madcow" comment was great.

    On the same subject, my cousin's son (11 yrs.) watches MSNBC with his parents, and actually did think Rachel Maddow was a guy. :)

    Damian M. Malliapalli

  11. My cousin's 11yr old son thought Christopher Lowell was a bearded woman


  12. They arent joking they are blaspheming. Vaxx is ¨Giant Initiation Rite¨ said Fulford.


  13. Blood Plasma Donors Needed.... but not from vaccinated!
