Thursday, April 29, 2021

Shut your face and do as you're told!

How many hits will the video get before it's pulled?


  1. This says it all. So true.

    Just think, if that policeman Derek Chauvin had been less rough with George Floyd, Floyd would probably be dead from drugs anyway, but it wouldn't have been the police fault. His death while in custody is what triggered all this.....that...and the irrational hatred of the great President Trump spewed every night from the TV by CNN,MSNBC, ABC, NBC, CBS, and Facebook, Twitter, etc.....and we can't forget the same screed by the Democrats the whole of Trump's term.

    The song asks "Jesus, what happened to us?" The Democrata and the left are what happened to us. Bring them down and out thru legit elections, and maybe this will end. (I think they're already headed down....there's a backlash against them. Let's pray it's not more of the same kind of violence they triggered and foster).

    Damian M. Malliapalli

  2. Free and fair elections died in America this past November.

  3. I’ve switched my allegiance from GOP to PBP (paper ballot party)

  4. We can't vote the Democrats out, they weren't voted in.

  5. "We can't vote the Democrats out, they weren't voted in."

    Well, whatever legit, peaceful way to get them out, the better. 2022 is only 18 months away!!!

    I'll bet they'll be gone in a tidal wave. Today, the assholes in the media (other than FOX News and other totally unbiased, legit channels-which are not many), like all the queers at MSNBC, ABC Good Morning America, etc. were throwing bouquets at Biden for his "memorable" speech last night.

    Most other channels had decent hard working people interviewed who said they hated it. I'd side with the so called "red-necks" in N. Carolina who they interviewd, rather than the LGBTQ, BLM loving members of MSNBC, ABC, The View, Good Morning America, etc. etc.

    Damian M. Malliapalli

  6. Keep taking the tablets, Damian. Try not to get over-excited.

  7. It must be tough being a political loser in the USA. Keep the commentary coming, chaps. You can't make this stuff up.

  8. "Keep taking the tablets, Damian. Try not to get over-excited."

    Sorry if I sound aggitated. I usually don't. But from a rational standpoint, I object to everything the Democrats stand for. I just hope people have good sense, and don't resort to violence for anything. But I think it will happen. I saw it by black people to white victims in NYC last week, and the week before that. I used to commute from Philly at 6:45 up to NYC by 8:30 and walk three block to work. I was happy to do it, rather than sitting at home. But after seeing two white people (an off-duty policeman and a nun), attacked by blacks (the off duty cop was slapped across the face with a stick, the nun was pushed and fell when she was in a black guys way), I decided to work from home again.

    No one can even take the train to Philly to the museums....everyone's afraid. Even to protect cities from these mobs.

    Bottom line is the Dems side with the pepople who have rioted and burned cities to the ground. Republicans stand for law and decency and order. I hope in 2022 and 2024, we have a big change for the as in 2016-20 :)

    Damian M. Malliapalli

  9. Hans KniesvonbumpsendaisieApril 30, 2021 at 2:08 AM

    It won't be pulled just reclassified for next years Oscars in the comedy category.

  10. Our political system had separated Church and State for a long time. Separation of the person from morality is the next and inevitable consequence.
    The PreCouncil Popes warned this would happen. The Reformation created a "stakemate" environment that necessitated this separation to avoid further war. But this is not an ideal. The Religious Liberty is freedom only for the True Church. People must from Free Will pick the correct Faith to be Saved, or try their best to seek it. Freedom of all faiths and opinions is morally erroneous, and the basis for the US Constitution. From Error, errors result.

  11. Constantine sounds like he’s been
    reading Dave Wemhoff

  12. No. Its basic Syllabus of Errors:
    "79. Moreover, it is false that the civil liberty of every
    form of worship, and the full power, given to all, of evenly
    and publicly manifesting any opinions whatsoever and
    thoughts, conduce more easily to corrupt the morals and
    minds of the people, and to propagate the pest of indif-
    ferentism.— Allocution Nunquam Fore, Dec. 15, 1856. "

  13. Hey Hans - Keep watching TV, eating pizza and talking to your dog.

  14. It’s amazing the way the vaccine passports are tied in with George Floyd and the Chauvin trial.

  15. The vaccine passports will facilitate people getting jobs in many areas as well as national and international air travel. The anti-vaxx mob will have to make up their minds about being employable, sociable and eligible for travel or remain happy in the conceit that, just maybe, they won't add to the already 578,000 Americans who died of the COVID 19 infection.

  16. Science is not fact. Science is a certain theory of the facts as understood at a given moment. Based on what is understood, scientists can arrive at various conclusions.
    @ "MacDonald hamburger" and "Jim Jones" or whatever your names may be, if your see and hear yourselves, you sound like autistic children. You need to be in our prayers and pity.

  17. The all piss and wind anti-Vaxxers will have to get used to the idea that the range of employment, social and travel options will be severely limited in the years to come. Chances are that they, like the denialst Trump, will quietly slink off, get the injections and keep very quiet about it.

  18. Trump was not a denialist. He originally thought that the virus would not come to the USA, or would not be a serious concern. When there were only 2 recorded cases then in the USA at the time, that was a normal response.
    When it did become a serious issue, a month later, Trump banned travel to-from CHina (to all the boo-hooing from the Democrats and radicals), and initiated research to find a vaccine quickly...operation warp speed. Also he ordered auto manufacturers and others to transition to making ventilators. Were it not for his initiatives, we would still be in a condition like India now is.
    Those who are not getting the vaccines are mostly two groups, hard-line evangelical born-again Christians who deny the virus as being a serious issue, and also Blacks, who are either afraid of the vaccines itself, or don't want it because whites developed it and the government which is mostly white they think is forcing people to get the shots.

    Regarding the George Floyd/Chauvin trial....don't be surprised if the verdict is overturned, or if there's a new trial. News yesterday revealed that some in the jury had gone to anti-police/pro-George Floyd rallies before, and also it was reported that loud-mouthed congresswoman Maxine Waters went into the jury room and blasted the jury and threatened them to vote to convict Chauvin, or else their lives would be in danger.

    Chauvin was too rough with Floyd.....but considering all the drugs Floyd had swallowed, he'd have been dead in a few hours anyway. That too, was on several news reports.

    Damian M. Malliapalli
