Monday, March 29, 2021

Only Vaxxtards Can Go to Confession in This New Jersey “Church”

Ht: canon212


Update:   Now they want to see the faces of those who aren't vaccinated...


  1. Do vaxtards even go to confession? The people I know who go to confession haven’t bought into the plandemic propaganda

  2. I saw this on Barnhardt but she doesn’t allow comments.
    I clicked the Mass Intention link and requested a Mass for the intention that they get a new pastor. Sending it with a phony $3 bill with Biden’s face.

  3. How will they know if you've been vaccinated or not?

    "Bless me Father it's been x weeks since my last vaccination"?

    I keep seeing stuff like this and I keep telling myself it can't get any stupider and yet here I am.... again.

  4. Imagine Saint Damien of Molokai refusing to hear a confession.
    May these gay priests burn in Hell 🔥

  5. I guess there's no point in even explaining to them that there is, in fact, no such thing as "asymptomatic and contagious." Facts clearly don't matter to the adherents of the Covid Cult.

    Not only has the "smoke" of Satan long since entered he sanctuary, but he seems to be in charge.

  6. Looks like the priests finally came to their senses and confession is allowed again. Unbelievable!

  7. Fake 'story' from the start. Few but the clergy dependent and scruple-driven go to private confession anymore. Good argument for restoring the Third Rite of Reconciliation.

  8. Mr. Slater, fake? Here's the archived page. Take a look if you're interested in the truth.

  9. Planted by the disingenuous

  10. Call the parish. They’ll confirm.

  11. Shouldn't these paranoiacs reverse that if they are as afraid as they say they are of a bug 99.98% of people survive? Wouldn't a traditional confessional (which should be the only confessional - not this buddy-buddy face-to-face stuff) with a screen and not facing each other directly be safer for dealing with the un-vaccinated?

    Insanity rules everywhere now, even the Church.

    1. Especially in the homoglobo novus ordo church.

  12. There's always someone in every combox saying a story is fake. It doesn't matter how verifiable it is, it doesn't matter if it's not in dispute in the slightest... there's always at least one voice there to tell you that the truth isn't real.

  13. CMTV reports that this parish also has a gay club. Why is that so unsurprising?

  14. Hans KniesvonbumpsendaisieApril 1, 2021 at 10:24 PM

    Well, Anon 11: 37 it's not surprising, given your sleazy form that you went looking for the dirt.
