Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Mister Levine



  1. This guy is funny but wise. He echoes many of the views of E. Michael Jones PhD. Rand Paul who is a medical doctor was very interesting in his questions of Rachel Levine during confirmation hearings. Minors are not capable of making such life changing decisions. I too was alarmed that Ms. Levine was targeting "street children" who are known to be under a great deal of stress and have no parents.

  2. Holy Shit! I nearly barfed 🤮 up my dinner watching that 🌭 get cut off. Gross.
    It should be enough for even Mark Shea to reconsider his philo-Semitism. If not:
    cut his 🏀 ⚽️ off!

  3. I think that this Levine "thing" is a troll that Biden's handlers threw into the mix, to drive us crazy. It WOULD drive me crazy, if I could stop laughing long enough.
    Another non-surprise: It is a Joo.

  4. No, Trump was thrown into the mix to create chaos in the world by the faceless Republican backroom boys.
    On another note, Jesus, Mary and Joseph were Jews ("Joos" in your dialect.)

  5. 9:01pm
    Spare us the old trope that Jesus, Mary and Joseph were Jews.
    Jews hate all three, so obviously the Tribe does not claim them.

  6. Id quod asseritur, asseritur per modum recipientis.
    That's Latin for show us your proof. Put up or shut up.


  8. Female genital mutilation is practised in certain barbaric African countries but is strictly illegal in America. However, when the Red Guards see it further their goals, gender mutilation becomes liberating. See how that works?

  9. Apparently, female/male genital mutilation is not "strictly illegal" in America.
    It is done to these terribly disturbed people, every day in America.

  10. 11:51

    Gee, Abe. Thanks for the lesson in Latin.
    But that is not how that sentence is translated.
    Back to High School, Dork.

    1. Abe Forman has issues with the Goys waking up.

  11. You have a lot of guts posting that video.
    Thanks, I think

  12. Novus Ordo Catholics fear Covid a lot more than they do Jesus.

  13. Like those nuns in the KY convent. They called for the vaccine 💉 when they should’ve asked for the sacraments.

  14. Trump and Melania got the shot.

  15. Doesn't everyone think that "Rachel" is a little old for that hair? We have a neighbor who is 81, who is wrinkled like a prune but has hair like that. She looks like a witch on Halloween. All she needs is the black dress and hat. (She already has a broom...which she uses periodically to beat her dog)

    Damian M. Malliapalli

    ( To be fair, when I first saw Levine on TV giving the daily Covid-19 updates, I thought it was a woman, and had never been a man.....just that "she" had ridiculous hair). So if I was fooled, maybe most people are fooled too. And in that regard her change is a success).

    1. Success? Lol, you have to be pretty delusional not to have noticed that thing’s mannish qualifies, or ignore the insanity of having bottom surgery to lop off and refashion sex organs from grafted skin. The result is a horror film.

  16. Mr.Levine is proof the USA is under God's judgement.
    You show fortitude for posting this video.
    Pray for Brother Nathanael's conversion to Eastern Rite Catholicism.
    God bless -Andrew

  17. He’s a bachelor, why not go all the way?

  18. "Success? Lol, you have to be pretty delusional not to have noticed that thing’s mannish qualifies, or ignore the insanity of having bottom surgery to lop off and refashion sex organs from grafted skin. The result is a horror film."

    Sorry....I wasn't trying to justify this kind of crap, I just when I first saw "her", I thought it was actually a woman. I don't think people who feel a need to "transition" to a female, or a male should be encouraged at all. They should just live with the way God made them. The accompanying film on this particular post describing the mutilation of organs during the change process and creating fake new ones was gross (and I didn't expect it.) It really is horrible. And they don't mention the many complications, and the more than a few who don't survive the change. I've read of people having massive infections, and even heart attacks after this procedure.
    My uncle is a cardiologist as his specialty, but also early in his career worked as a GP (general practitioner/internal medicine), and he confirmed that some of the more long lasting effects of these proceedures are UTI's and fecal incontinence.
    Who the "H" would be willing to suffer constant problems like that, all for the sake of masquerading as a woman? He also said that it doesn't matter how then transition, or how much they feel like a woman....physiologically they are still a man. Blood tests would read them as male, DNA, etc.

    Damian M. Malliapalli

  19. The whole Transgender craze is the the manifestation of demonic obsession.
    Transgenderism has always lurked in the shadows (much like homosexuality).
    The 1970's began the public obsession with all things "LGB". What was "shadow" was now out there and in your face.
    The beginning of the new century saw this current mess dragged into the light.
    It began the current obsession with all things "T". That is where we are today.
    The demonic seems to own the day, at present.

    Through our prayer, penance and stubborn rejection of this, Our Lord and His Blessed Mother will win the day.

  20. Their DNA has not changed. They remain what they were when God made them. Trust science. Unless it contradicts the narrative, of course.

  21. Anyone hear of the community in the Episcopal Church founded, called the "Homosexual Order of Saint JOhn" HAHAHAHAHAAHA! Also they have an Order of lesbian nuns.

    Of course, the Catholic Church doesn't have official Orders of gay religious.....we just have them among the troops....and should be culled out like one would do with weeds sprouting in the garden in Spring. Weak though he was, Benedict XVI at least tried to do this half-heartedly. But the magnitude of it probably contributed to his choice to quit....which of course was the cowards way out.

    Damian M. Malliapalli

  22. Was she confirmed in that position or run off the property?
