Friday, January 15, 2021

To The President: We Need All Our Troops Here at Home

Mr. President:

Please do not allow China to taunt you into sending troops abroad to fight in some Indo-Pacific skirmish since this will leave our country wide open for the attack that the Communists have planned for our country. It's been a long many years in the works.  

This plan has been formulated from Central America, to go up into Mexico, and thereupon into the United States. There are Chinese / Russian troops in no small number lurking south of the border, and also in Canada, so we need all our troops here to guard our homeland at this critical time; National Guard and DHS are not enough. Our true homeland security is Army, Navy, Airforce, and Marines.,

Russia Our No. 1 Enemy 

As Commander in Chief of the U.S. Armed Forces it is imperative that you know who your enemy is, and your No. 1 enemy is Vladimir Putin and Russia. This is why the Russians have worked so hard and so successfully to dupe America into thinking that Soviet Communism collapsed. It was to put us to sleep concerning their plan to invade the United States. Russia plans to enter our country on the heels of a coming revolutiona revolution that troops could effectively hold off.  

China is only Russia's assistant. You will note that the sickle and hammer flaunted by Antifa is strictly a Russian emblem, not a Chinese one. Russia is at the head of this insidious plot to bring down America, just as it was Russia that orchestrated the plot to steal the election through fraud. The ‘more than foot-high stack of Russiagate documents’ that Washington insider John Solomon says you are about to declassify no doubt reveals this plot against your administration. 

There is no denying that our country is entrenched with deep-state KGB agents. Antifa and BLM are just mini-pawns at their finger-tips, they're just giving us some of the hors d'oeuvres, but the major beef will be a direct confrontation with the Russians and Chinese if we don't quickly secure our homeland with troops.  

What will especially empower this plan for a red invasion is if Biden is inaugurated, since Biden will hand this country over to the Russians and one-worlders, so military action should be taken immediately to arrest Biden, Pelosi, and all the culprits that conspired to steal the 2020 election. You have enough evidence so you should take the offensive now. This is what will embolden the patriots and what will knock the wind out of the deep-state enemy.


David Martin





  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Russia has enough problems if its own. Its the only country that puts in check mad US backed Islamists in Syria, and Chinese aggression against Mongolia and Russian Siberia. Russia is the only country that still hates homosexuality and Western perversions. They are the only country that still endorses Christianity and the True presence of CHRIST in the Holy Eucharist and altar. Russia is the only country prepared to check the advancement of Naziism in Ukraine ,and neoNaziism with their population control ideology in the West. China is an ally of that globalist Western elite.

  3. Hans KniesvonbumpsendaisieJanuary 16, 2021 at 12:19 PM

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  4. Russia is part of a pact that is blocking China to the East. I don't think Russia poses that much of a threat to us, but I do know that evil democrats have been whipping up the flames of war against Russia for the last 10 years, so nostalgic are they for the Cold War.

  5. The best thing Trump ever did was step aside and let Russia destroy ISIS and keep Asad in power.

  6. It was a front. ISIS is a major pawn of Putin and is Assad's friend; they're all one. It was a stage act to make us think Putin/Assad are against ISIS revolution when in fact they generated it to destabilize the country and give it to globalists (themselves). Because of ISIS' assistance, Syria is now a full-fledged satellite of Russia. With all due respect for Trump, he has a bit of a blind spot about Russia, but I believe this may be history soon.

  7. Re: Constantine: Russia has "enough problems of its own" in the same way the Jews had problems in Nazi Germany. The Party elite in Russia deliberately allows or even create these problems of poverty and economic decline to create the image that Russia is falling apart and need's help from the West. It's part of their ruse to gain world sympathy based on Lenin's strategy: "When you are strong feign weakness." But too, it keeps the people in subjection thus preventing them from gaining any power over the government, just like the Jews in Hitler's time. With their ribs sticking out and operating at half-strength they were no match to the Nazis, which is what I meant above.

  8. Of course, you can prove that ISIS is a Russian puppet.

  9. Our of Fatima revealed in 1917 that the danger of the World would come from Russia and it would spread it's errors through out the World and is still in effect in our present time. Russia will use the manpower of China to try and take over the World!

  10. Our Lady of Fatima revealed in 1917 that the danger of the World would come from Russia!

  11. Russia and China are antagonists.

  12. The Red Scare is a diversion used to sheep dip Nazis and perpetuate the Cold War. The "error of Russia" that has overwhelmed Western society and poisoned the minds of our leaders is this:

  13. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  14. Certainly, there is something up with the "deep state" of both Church and State. These deals being made by the Argentinian with China is "only the tip of the iceberg". An Orthodox priest acquaintance who was born and grew up in a Communist state in Eastern Europe told me personally that Pope Francis is a Communist. ---- Before the fall of Communism, I visited that same country on board a U.S. cruiser. We even brought in some 20 CIA personnel to blend in with the visiting crowds as they left the ship. These individuals brought in expertise to overthrow the government of Nicolae Ceausescu.---There will be a one world socialist government and the pontiff is its prophet. This was warned about according to Malachi Martin in the Third Secret. This will lead to a world dictator and then divine intervention.----The incidence of sin is astronomical. According to the ACLJ, 42% of all deaths in the world last year were a result of abortion. If one believes in God, there has to be an accounting.

  15. Dear brother "David Martin", I think that your theory of Russia feigning weakness is based on a long cold war history both you and I experienced. I think it may be also partly based on your belief that the world is of an evil and mostly irredeemable nature. Russia may soon be the only place where they will not euthanize a helpless Polish man or a Terri Schiavo by depriving the basic food and water to a human being. In the US, in these last several weeks, you have seen the mask torn off the pathetic Constitution that offers only cop-out to cowards in the Republican party. The "Deep State" was always there since the founding of America,and was ratified at the end of the civil war. Parties working together to feign substantial differences. These "differences" were based on "issues" or approaches, not fundamentals. Because our Regime is fundamentally a Masonic State, based on the Enlightenment. Our Regime is based on the Religion of Man who thinks He can cure the world's problems without Sacraments. It is based on the Gnostic belief that Man is Evil. That "checks and balances" will neutralize the "evil". That the Evil God who created this physical world, purposely made it imperfect. And that the only hope Man has is to reach out to that other God, referred to as the "Grand Architect" of the universe and of the pure and perfect "spirit world", that stands away from the Evil physical world. And the "Founding Fathers" , as the "Deep State" agents of today, seek communication with the "Grand Architect" and to Escape the Evil in this world, by Enlightening the Country and the world through "Democratic Revolution" through Secret Gnostic Knowlege which only the few elite adepts can navigate us through.

  16. Yes, the catholics too have been stolen of the election of a true Pope, not a creature of the deep Church.

  17. Yes, in a certain way the catholics too have been stolen of the election of a true Pope, not a creature of the deep Church.
