Sunday, January 17, 2021

Thug, you have nothing to worry about...

Tattoos are base!
No Thug, they're degenerate.  Our Lady is going to look like a  crack addicted hag by the time you're being spoon fed oatmeal and green Jello at the nursing home.


  1. Gordy never has his videos taken down from YouTube. His Facetwit is probably safe too.
    When Churchill was reminded that the Eye-talians had thrown in with the Germans he coyly replied: Well, we had them on our side in the last war, it’s only fair that they be allied with the Germans this time.

    The scumbags probably think it’s better to have Gordy shooting off his mouth and eating grits and water moccasins 🐍 down In Mississippi.

  2. Not to worry. TG will be leading the charge from the Mississippi swamps. Like he led the charge in Bakersfield, Ca. .
    What number "Rule" is that? "NEVER RETREAT"!

  3. They don’t think much of pot smokers in Mississippi. When he flees there he’ll claim the Klan persecuted him for his Marian devotion.

    I love ❤️ you Mary-Jane

  4. Don’t you be dissin’ my man’s toos.

  5. He should've gotten a tattoo of Butthead instead.
