Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Bergoglio to Resign Soon?

[Express UK] The 83-year-old became head of the Catholic Church following the resignation of Pope Benedict XVI – a controversial move and the first of its kind in more than 500 years. However, a source close to Pope Francis claimed he would only serve for seven years, stating he would follow in the footsteps of his predecessor. Austen Ivereigh is the former Director for Public Affairs of the previous Archbishop of Westminster, Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O'Connor and continues to work closely with the Vatican.

He said in 2015: “He made clear from the beginning that he regarded Pope Benedict’s (XVI) act as a prophetic act of great modesty and he would have absolutely no problem in doing the same. 

“What was interesting was he said to Mexican television in 2014 that he believed that he would have a short papacy of about five years.


  1. Pope Francis has had to spend almost all of his time undoing the systemic damage done to the Catholic Church by JP II, Benedict/ Ratzinger and the legions of clone bishops they created. When Ratzinger drops off the twig, there will be some measure of closure though his denialist supporters have the same characteristic nihilism as Trump and the obnoxious cretins who make up his base.

  2. That is right! No more leftists like John Paul 2. The democracy lover and the "human dignity" garbage. The Church must put an end to the silly "Constitution",accept the dictatorship and ultimately Kingshop of Christ in a Catholic-only voting American Regime. Why do we have to put up with Zionists like Trump, and Biden, who have and will bring us closer to the one solid characteristic we will have as proof that the AntiChrist is here! The proof that Jerusalem will be restored with its 3rd Temple and priesthood.

  3. Bergoglio is going nowhere.
    Wishin' it ain't gittin' it.

  4. @Pete Grainger: Are you "living in a dream world or what"? JPII was shot and unable to fulfill his destiny. I saw him in person in 1999 as he whizzed through St. Louis near the Cathedral. He was "all but dead" and holding on to the popemobile for dear life. He was a "shell of a man" and Ratzinger ran the Church. As for the "base" for Trump and the cretins they employ, how do they stack up against the barbarians and gays that have taken over society and the Church? The answer is that the devil came in with them. Trump has a moral base and those against him have little more than pornography for their guiding light.---@Constantine: Just what do you use for brains? John Paul II fought both the Nazis and the Russian Communists. Your evident leader fought the good fight in Argentina in the grocery checkout lane and as a bouncer at a gay bar.---E. Michael Jones PhD on this very site has made it plain that the entire mess is caused by the Judeo Masonic plot which wills to kill the Christ anew. He talks of "proxy warriors" who work with the 2% of Masonic origin. He is right and you are way wrong.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    "I didn't see, I don't see any Great Pope or Great Monarch before an extremely great tribulation, horrifying, terrible and general for all Christendom. But before that time, twice there will be a short lived peace; TWO shaky, servile, doubtful popes" Mélanie

    Pope Francis will not resign.

    Pope Benedict will die

    Pope Francis will die

    Then the 35 years worth of chastisements start..

    Once the two servile and doubtful popes are dead then you'll have a new pope.

  7. It would be a great Christmas present.

  8. It would be a great Christmas present.

  9. @"JBQ", where do you get the udea Bergoglio is my friend. Bergoglio seems to be closer friend with your friend John Paul 2.
    Where do you see JP2 as fighting Communism? JP2 was hired by Montini (Paul 6) to bypass the primate of the Polish Church at the time, Cardinal Wyszinski, because Montini was afraid thst Wyszinski was too hardline with the Communists to come to a working agreement with the Communists and because Cardinal Wyszinski was not going along with the Vatican's Ostpolitik. Woityla was the guy that the Vatican wanted to stab Cardinal Wyszinski in the back. Also Woityla legalized altar girls, women readers, Eucharistic Ministers. He supported feminists and men with the so-called "right" to become an "independent" free thinkers, rather than encourage a Catholic State. He supported the heretical ""Theology of the Body" with its radical concept of sex for pleasure with a form of contraception called the "rhythm method", putting the pleasure of the couple on an equal level of importance as procreation.
    John Paul II supported Assisi 1 and 2, kissed the Koran in public, allowed himself to be smeared with cow dung blessed by a Hindu priestess, apologized to every religion on earth, and visited Voodoo priests, and commended their "spirituality". He had Masses in the Novus Ordo. When visiting tbe Pacific Islands he allowed topless female readers. He entertained semi-clad dancers at his Masses in Rome. He apologized to Jews for the Carmelite Convent on Auschwitz and removed all crosses to not offend the "sensitivities" of Jews. The list can go on and on and on..And he appointed bishops and Cardinals including Bergoglio and the leftists. Thought nothing of the pedophiles. This guy's Pontificate was a disaster and a predecessor to the Bergoglio Pontficate. Except for JP2's belief that marriage is for a man and woman, everything else is a smooth continuation of policies.But had he been alive today, I'm sure that he would caved in on that too.
    JP2 was not a strong man like the antiCommunist Cardinal Wysinski. He was a puppet, a marionette of those around him and the media telling him what to do. He believed in them and all his false religions and freedoms, and all their empty promises.

  10. Another pay attention to me antic for MSM TV broadcast, performed by the red nosed clown leader of the Nuchurch circus. Unfortunately Bergoglio will still be center stage this time next year.

  11. @Constantine: Wyszinski was the driving force behind John Paul I along with the German bishops who were then conservative. That means that JPII had to have been supported by Wyszinki after the unfortunate death of Luciani. How could Montini hire Wojtyla. Paul VI was dead?---I know what you are saying. However, JPII was pontiff for almost 26 years and was hated by the left in the Church who evidently gave support to the forces which killed him. Read Malachi Martin. Ratzinger undercut him while he was a "shadow of a physical man".---You just cannot make a good case for JPII being a "flaming liberal". He sent Burke to St. Louis and then Ratzinger removed him. I believe that he was sincere in reaching out to these other religions. He wanted to convert them and not to join with them as does the Argentinian. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that.---As for "topless readers", this is a notch above the women holding hands in the pulpit and sexual abuse among the clergy.---He held the line on marriage and the forces that spawned Bergoglio hated him and Mehmet Ali Agca stated that they actually helped him in the quest to put holes in his liver. I don't agree at all with your assessment of the valiant Pole.

  12. Bergoglio's at it again, clinking pictures of half naked women on Twitter. This is the 2nd time in a month.

    When are some of these "cardinals" going to man-up and forcefully tell him that it's time for him to go.

    Damian M. Malliapalli

  13. Damien:

    Because asking most of these Cardinals to "man-up" is as impossible as asking a hyena to use better table manners.

  14. Pico Della MirandolaDecember 25, 2020 at 5:38 PM

    Happy Christmas and a thousand years, Pope Francis.
    And a happy Yuletide to all.

  15. He'll just replaced by Jorge PT.2 or
    Bishop Wojtyla pt.2.
    This is going to take burning every Vatican 2 documents + all
    John XXIII + Pius XII changes starting
    in 1951-1975.
    Then,hypothetically,this new Catholic Pope would be conditionally ordained + consecrated by 3 of the 28 remaining pre-June 1968 Roman Rite Bishops or the Thuc Lefebvre Mendez Duarte-Costa line Bishops.
    God bless -Andrew

  16. @ JBQ, Wyszinski supported Woityla at the Conclave. It is true what you say. According to stories about that Conclave, it was Wyszinski who was supposed to been elected, but since be said be was too old and had cancer, he preferred Woityla. But please note: Wyszinski's preference for Woityla was to keep and give the honor of a Polish national on the throne of Peter. Poles are highly patriotic and it was for love of nation, not love for political orientation. Woityla was an instrument of Ostpolitik used by the Vatican during the Montini years before 1978. I Did my Master's Political Science Thesis on this. And I was a Vatican 2 conservative at the time. I thought JP2 was "conservative", but knew very little about the "traditionalist" category. Relative to most Poles at the time, Woityla was a flaming liberal on issues of theology and liturgy. But not yet on matters of gay or lesbian rights; and he supported family values, because Rome was not ready for it. One needs to change the liturgy and the theory of doctrines (theology) before Rome could elect the glamorous flaming gay enabler Bergoglio. But it's one continuity. Like the French Revolution started with a moderate phase, with a King, separated from the State; Then increasingly more radical elements take over with both Church and King in danger of guillotine. I also read that Ratzinger wrote he was uncomfortable with Assisi 1 and 2. Woityla just didn't seem to mind. People have asked about miracles related to beatification and canonization, and they canonized JP2 with only 1 miracle and did not care anymore because Rome wanted Woityla canonized at any cost. But nobody asked the opposite question: who got duck and I'll because of JP2? They only try to find one good thing. But did JP2 cause any disease? I can testify that when attending my local parish neighborhood Novus Ordo church, the priest got up on the altar announcing he could no longer forbid legalizing women lectures, altar girls, and eucharistic ministers, because it has been formally allowed. I became very sick. I suffered a depression that took me 4 months to get out of. And I wanted to die. Every day I asked God to take my life. I'm sorry!! This man is no saint. He was a demon incarnate.

  17. Ostpolitik to espousing gay rights is quite a jump. You don't have any proof just conjecture. There is an interview on line of Malachi Martin by William F. Buckley just after the election of JPI, Luciani. Martin raved about his conservative values. This was early in 1978.----Wyszinski was never any candidate for pope. Martin had all of the ears. The Polish primate was a king maker. Martin related that a conservative coalition already had it worked out even before the conclave. It was the conservative Germans who formed the bed rock with Wyszinski.---Martin has stated that Luciani was assassinated. The best candidate in an evil pose in a picture with the "smiling one" was Secretary of State Villot.---Wyszinski never would have supported a liberal candidate even one in disguise as you so claim. Master's thesis or no, Wojtyla was not a liberal.----He was shot by the liberals. When Francis reformed the Institute for Life, it was just after the death of Cardinal Caffera. Before he was even in the ground, he sent in Paglia to extend the meaning of the family. Your so called liberal Pole resisted this and even had set up this institute which the Argentinian cancerized for his own political benefit.----Malachi Martin wrote in his novels of a conservative Polish pontiff. He did not label him as a pseudo conservative. He valiantly tried to do what was right.---Look at his background. He was run over by a German troop truck. He then offered support for Solidarity and the working man against the Russians. With all due respect, I don't care what you say, he was not a liberal. Liberals may have manipulated his pain ravaged body.----Nevertheless, I still hold his holy card in my possession as someone worthy of inspiration. I would urge you to go after some other scapegoat such as the secretly liberal Ratzinger who was really running the Vatican while Wojtyla roamed the world like the Christ looking for souls to save.---There is absolutely nothing wrong with reaching out to other religions if you keep yours in proper perspective. He did that in my opinion. It is Bergoglio who is the poster boi candidate for the false prophet of the Third Secret.

  18. "When a Child is born": best rendition is Andrea Bocelli. Sarah Brightman is good. Boney M is also.------A ray of hope flitters in the sky. All across the land dawns a new morn. A tiny star lights up way up high. This comes to pass when a child is born.-------------------------------A silent wish sails the seven seas. The winds have changed whisper in the trees. In a world of doubt crumpled tossed and torn. This comes to pass when a child is born.------A rosy hue settles all around. You've got the feel you're on solid ground. For a spell or two, no one feels forlorn. This comes to pass when a child is born.-----------It's all a dream and illusion now. It must come true sometime soon somehow. All across the land dawns a brand new morn. This comes to pass when a child is born.

  19. Dear JBQ, "There is absolutely nothing wrong with reaching out to other religions if you keep yours in proper perspective. He did that in my opinion."
    What, may be tbe purpose of this "reaching out" false religions?
    I recall the condemnation of such behaviour written in tbe Syllabus of Errors:
    Condemned error# 79:
    "79. Moreover, it is false that the civil liberty of every form of worship, and the full power, given to all, of overtly and publicly manifesting any opinions whatsoever and thoughts, conduce more easily to corrupt the morals and minds of the people, and to propagate the pest of indifferentism. — Allocution “Nunquam fore,” Dec. 15, 1856."

  20. Jesus the Christ surrounded himself with "gypsies, tramps, and thieves". He did this not to become a "fellow traveler" as does apparently "Abba's 'dancing queen'" but to convert to the true faith. John Paul II reached out with the same verve to sinners as did Christ with the woman caught in adultery. ----When he was "shot in the Square" that is what he was doing to the throngs who came to see him. He knew and accepted his cross of representing the Christ. He was shot because he was a "royal pain in the rump to the Russians" who surrounded him with spies of every ilk according to books that I have.--- His belief was to forgive with a commentary of "go and sin no more". This contrasts strongly with the "current occupant" of the Chair of St. Peter who allegedly now accepts all forms of sin as just a difference in lifestyle under his socialist manifesto.---Bergoglio stated that it is wrong to try to "convert" those of other religions. In the time of Christ, there were no other religions. He was a Jewish Rabbi who stated that he did "not come to destroy the Old Law but to fulfill it".---I grew up in a parish dedicated to the North American Martyrs. The "Black Robes" of conservative Jesuit fame went to New York to convert the heathen Indians that were found there. The barbarians retaliated and killed them.----Here in St. Louis, statues and murals dedicated to the Black Robes at St. Louis University have been taken down and stored next to the statues from the College Church of Francis Xavier in the basement which I have seen. The barbarians of today wanted it so. This is the very church where the "little boy victim" of the Exorcist of movie fame had his exorcism done.---Of course, you can't convert the devil. Under your scenario, you can't even fight him. He is on the "privileged ground" anointed and blessed by the Argentinian.
