Thursday, September 10, 2020

Queensland Government Wants Priests to Break Seal of Confessional — Or Else

 .- The legislature of the Australian state of Queensland on Tuesday passed a law requiring priests to violate the seal of confession to report known or suspected child sex abuse.

Failure to do so will be punished with three years in prison.

The law passed the Legislative Assembly of Queensland Sept. 8, with the support of the opposition Liberal National Party of Queensland.



  1. How is anyone other than the penitent and priest going to know what was confessed, where and when, let alone be able to produce evidence of the confession?

  2. What the hell has happened to Australia? They're a fellow Commonwealth country, like Canada, and I've always thought of them as friendly cousins. But they seem to have turned into a psychopathic fascist state in the last few months. Beating and arresting people for disobeying government commands, now strangling Christian churches - how can this be considered part of the "free world" anymore?

  3. Sounds like another good reason to stop face to face confessions. I see a lot of bogus confessions being used for entrapment. Priests don’t have much to worry about. Few avail themselves of the sacrament.

  4. Another compelling argument in favor of the Third Rite of Reconciliation.

  5. Paul Jackson....the cops will set up stings. they'll go into the confessional under false premises appearing to be a penitent. They'll be wired for recording. When the priest doesn't report what the 'pentient' confessed they'll throw him in jail...and they'll have the recording. This is planned; it will take place wide-scale. It is demonic. And you will have the majority of 'c'atholics screaming for the good priests' heads on a platter. Great apostasy.

    The Crucifixion of the Body has begun.

  6. I agree more with what Susan wrote than what I wrote.
