Friday, August 21, 2020

The Dictatorial Agenda of Liberal Democrats

By David Martin

The hypocrisy of liberal Democrats speaks of their quest to control the masses. While they tout their DNC Convention theme of “We the People,” they work overtime to shackle the people. While they cry "liberation and equality," they strip Americans of their freedoms and cater to a socialist elite.    

Their line about "civil rights" is but a smokescreen to cover their dictatorial agenda. Radicals are all about the imposition of ironclad rules upon the people, but they do this under the guise of "democracy," fulfilling what Lenin said: "Always preach pure democracy but seize power as fast and as ruthlessly as possible."  

We've seen this play out in our country. After preaching "tolerance" and "equal rights" for decades, Democratic state officials suddenly grew horns overnight with their imposition of draconian rules over COVID-19. Many of these same officials now want to prosecute anyone who opens their church, goes to work, fails to wear a mask, or fails to bake a cake for an LGBT couple, while they empower BLM criminals to go out and riot with no restrictions.  

Governor Newsom of California even told Black Lives Matter protesters in June, "I want you to know that you matter. To those who want to express themselves [riotously] ... keep doing it. Your rage is real.  

Democratic vice-presidential nominee Kamala Harris likewise endorses the civil violence advocated by Black Lives Matter and belongs to a group that collects donations to bail out members of Antifa and Black Lives Matter who get arrested for rioting. They even cover their legal fees. 

Descends from Slave Owning Family

It should come as no surprise that Kamala descends from a family that owned slaves, as was reported earlier this month. Consistent with this is the fact that Kamala’s father was an avowed Marxist. Meet Don Harris, Kamala Harris’ Communist Father - RAIR

Given her brutal attack on the unborn and her support for Black Lives Matter, there is every reason to believe that she would use her position as vice president to try to enslave America under a socialist tyranny.  

From the beginning the word "Democrat" has always been a euphemism for "Communist." For instance, Communists in Italy organized as the Labour Democratic Party in 1943, just as deep-state Socialists like Joe Biden and Kamala Harris now organize under the name "Democratic Party." 

Democrats Celebrate Abortion 

And what is their celebrated cause but abortion, the murder of the unborn, which we always associated with the godless regimes of Communist Russia and China. We might say that abortion is "their baby." Now this red practice has taken root in America, courtesy of the many Communist sympathizers who now hold key positions in America.  

Among them is Democratic New York Gov. Andy Cuomo who famously directed the One World Trade Center and other landmarks to be lit in pink January 22, 2019, to celebrate the passage of the "Reproductive Health Act." The RHA expands abortion rights to include infanticide, the murder of a baby after or while it is being born. 

Hillary Clinton echoed this impassioned support for abortion on November 13, 2018, when she tweeted that the right of women to kill their babies “is core to their liberty as human beings,” adding that "we celebrate the power to decide." 

Kamala Harris likewise makes no bones about her fanatical push for abortion. "As president, I will stop dangerous laws restricting reproductive rights before they go into effect," she tweeted on May 28, 2019. According to Priests for Life director Fr. Frank Pavone, Harris has the most "extreme position on abortion you can take."  

And of course, Biden on July 27 announced his "women's agenda" that would force Americans to fund the Planned Parenthood abortion business. 

Glaring Hypocrisy 

And now Biden in his DNC speech has said that he has vowed to end the “season of darkness” and to “restore the soul of America,” while at the same time vowing to destroy the unborn the very heart of America. The “soul” he speaks of is that of the rebellious “prince of darkness.” 

Deep-state Democrats are all about rebellion against institutionalized moral authority as evidenced by their hateful persecution of our police, military, and our president. Under the guise of compassion, they advocate criminal rights, e.g. violence and murder, while they attempt to crush the Christian rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. They cry “love and peace” yet they make war against the unborn. They cry “equal rights for women” yet they deny the rights of unborn women. They hail a woman’s “right to choose” yet they castigate women who choose life. They allege that Trump is a “racist” yet they engage in the race-baiting of blacks. 

There is no denying the close correlation between Socialists and radical Democrats. In Communism, they mean “war” when they say “peace.” They mean “hate” when they say “love.” They mean “light” when they say “darkness.” They mean “tyranny” when they say “democracy.”

Their regard for the working class is but a cover for their tyrannical aspirations. Like Lenin, Democrats feign regard for the proletariat when in fact they only use the proletariat to tear down the government, just as BLM Communists use misled black people to tear down America in the hopes of enslaving this country under a communistic tyranny.  

Allied with Antichrist 

In a word, the liberal Democratic Party is allied with Antichrist. That Democrats refuse to see America as a Nation Under God was evident at the Democratic National Convention (DNC) where the words “Under God” were omitted from the Pledge of Allegiance. This vindicated Donald Trump who earlier this month was criticized for saying that Biden was “against God.” DNC drops ‘under God’ from Pledge of Allegiance in Muslim, ‘LGBTQ’ Caucus meetings 

Clearly, the Democratic mindset is foreign to American thinking. In our American form of government the state serves the people, especially a Christian people, since we are “A Christian Nation.” (1892 Supreme Court Declaration) By definition America is a republic, a government of the people, which utilizes the democratic process to elect its leaders. These leaders in turn represent the cause of its Christian citizens, not the cause of corruption, i.e. revolution, fornication, LGBT living, abortion, pot consumption, etc. As John Adams said, "Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people."

“Our Constitution was made only for a moral and  religious people”  – John Adams

Hence the government’s duty is to protect the people's Christian liberty and their right to private property, but Socialists see everything that we have – be it insurance, medical care, property, food, or money – as a "token" from the government, which can be revoked at any time on the basis of religion or race. In Socialism you live up to the party-line or else. 

Australia Under Socialist Lockdown 

The grim situation is Australia is a sobering lesson as to what will happen when a Socialist comes to power. Australian prime minister Scott Morrison has Australia in the grips of a nightmarish lockdown that can only be called Communistic. Using COVID-19 as his tool, he is threatening to tighten his control of the population there. LifeSiteNews' Dorothy McLean reports.    

"Following communist China’s lead, Australian police are turning to drones to enforce coronavirus lockdown regulations and control the population.

"7News Melbourne reported Monday that the Victoria state police are preparing to use drones to catch people who show their faces in public uncovered by masks, to capture the license plates of drivers who travel more than 5 kilometres (3.1 miles), and to make sure that children’s skateboarding parks and playgrounds are empty."

If Biden is elected president, this is what will happen in the United States, and it could mushroom overnight.

One With Globalists 

It’s important to point out that the Socialistic DNC works conjointly with U.N. globalists who are paving the way for this red tyranny. The internationalists are using deep-state Democrats as pawns to dissolve what they call the “season of darkness” — the great nation of America — and bring about a new-world government to which America would be subjugated.  

Mark of the Beast?

Now a key globalist objective in bringing about COVID-19 was to provide an excuse to impose jinxed vaccines that ruin our reproductive capacities. COVID stands for "Certification Of Vaccination ID," a plan that was finalized in 2019. As globalists plan it, an implanted chip would verify your vaccination, without which you have no ticket to ride in society  can't ride a bus, can't buy a house, can't have medical insurance or care. Through this blackmail, globalists will arrange "that no man might buy or sell, but he that hath the character, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name." (Apocalypse 13:17) 

Trump Victory Needed to Keep America 

If Biden is elected, it will put an end to America as we know it and will open the way to this world government that restricts the freedoms of the people. America would lose its sovereignty and would be under the domination of global despots. The internationalists behind this plan are depending on the victory of Democrats this November to achieve the realization of their goals so it is imperative that Americans be alerted to the fact that we are now engaged in nothing less than all-out war for the preservation of our country and everything we hold dear. 

We have truly arrived at a historic crossroads when it will be necessary for Americans to do all in their power to keep Trump in the Oval Office. Because without America, there is no free world, and if Trump loses the election we will lose America.










  1. Great article!

  2. Martin, as always, drives in with an enormous tractor trailer full of assertions, non-sequiturs and very bad English but no proof.

  3. @"Bob Ellis" you make no sense.
    You remind me of this autistic girl from funded by transnational slaves corporations and globalists in Sweden with her unproven assertions, and non-sequiturs about Climate Change.

  4. @David Martin ok I agree with you. But even if Trump wins the second presidential election, what happens after Trump? Are we to trust the mobs and masses that have been secularized and turned into manipulated majorities in our Society to keep voting Republican? And can we even trust the Republicans to keep offering us better candidates, and not another Jeb Bush or Tom McCain, or Mitt Romney?
    The system is set up to fail, because see the Founding Fathers wanted "checks and balances", so that group, no political ideas, least of all Catholic, take root and perpetuate. This system is on the verge of failing. Many of us will be killed or martyred. No good Constitution can be politically, socially, morally neutral as us this present US Constitution. I want to know how our deaths and family lives can be saved. Not just postponed in the short term. What is humanly possible?

  5. All very true with the end goal of OWG. One World Government.

  6. 7:52
    I truly do feel your pain about this, but looking to 2024 (if Trump is victorious)
    I would not dismiss Mike Pence out of hand.
    He is considered the village idiot by many on both sides. The MSM just laughs at him.
    However, I have heard him speak. (Not a soundbite or two) He is well-grounded. He has a good, moral message.

    As Grandma used to say: Still waters run deep.

    Just my two cents.

  7. Look up Brendan O'Connell on YouTube and Bitchute.

  8. The Republicans ran out of gas, ideas, vision and moral credibility when Ike left office.

  9. Re: Constantine - Well, it's nice that you think ahead but let's take it four years at a time. During the new administration there could be more action on the part of the Church -- the true Catholics that is -- to have a national Rosary crusades to continue with the draining of the swamp in this country. If the good Lord is pleased with us, that is the best thing that can happen because in the final analysis revolution and chaos in America will have come as a chastisement from God. My worry is the Church because they always seem to repeat the same mistakes ... even so, the USCCB yesterday issued a strong thumbs-up for Trump on account of his pro-life accomplishments. If they continue thus it could impact the Catholic vote, could it not? They said nothing against Obama in the last two elections and each time 50% of America's Catholics voted for him. We'll see what gives.

  10. P.S. With the way the founding fathers founded the Constitution, it was understood that the three branches of gov't -- executive, legislative, and judicial -- would be bond by a strong common denominator of Christian principle so that things would go relatively smoothly. They never conceived that the principles upon which our country was founded would be thrown out the door. This is what accounts for all the chaos and division, not the system. Any system, regardless of how good it is, will fail if Christian morality is thrown out.

    1. "David Martin", thanks for tbe explanation. All you say made sense except that this Christian morality was not the common denominator of the "Founding Fathers". They were Masonic deists who had no name of any specific god. They purposely left out the blanks, to unite everyone, based on what unifes them, while putting aside Christ as the one thing that divides, ;And hoped it stayed together based on the other things. Even if I were to give them the benfit of the doubt, they would still be mere "Protestants", protesters against Christ's True Church. They would hope that the Catholic Church and its teachings never gets serious footholds in the New World. It was clearly stated as their intent in the Suffolk Resolves of 1774.(Not found in abbreviated versions of it).

  11. The chaos of the last four years has been the work of Donald Trump who, according to his sister, is a chronic liar with no principles whatsoever.

  12. 12:21

    Yada-yada-yada.....Get a new schtick. That one is worn out.

    And my sister and I used to call each other names. So what?

  13. "So what/" I take it that you are contented to have a President who has been named by his own blood relatives as an unprincipled liar and long exposed as such on the world stage.
    No wonder the US is stuffed.

  14. Hey Pete guessing your sister has a few names for you too.

  15. Martin moonlights as a 'shock, horror' story writer for the check out pot boiler press. He's clinging to the carcass of his own fiction.

  16. peter rump(g)rainger, feybriel @ 4:36....gee, glad you feel that way...asswipe.

    "Barack Obama’s half-brother rips ‘cold and ruthless’ ex-president"

    "Barack Obama’s Brother Endorses Donald Trump: “Tough, Fearless, and Bold”"
