Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Televangelist Skojek Scamming Catholics

No Thanks. I don’t paypig grifty frauds like Skojek.

Edit: who funds this fraud anyway? You?

According to Priests have Become Cesspools of Sin, Holy Skojek, who has a word to say about what everyone else is doing, makes $150,000 a year. Is that what his wife gives him for an allowance? We’ve just assumed that he covets the kind of compensation other nasty Neocatholic grifters like Karl Keating make.

Oh, and special thanks to Frank Walker who keeps an eye on Skojek’s more embarrassing moments on Twitter.




  1. I don't recall anyone desperately asking Steve Skojec to be one of us?

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. I don't see enough information in the postings to come to the conclusion he is a fraud, I have never seen anything on his website that would warrant that either. I am such a trad that I refuse to be labeled that way as true trads are nothing more than Catholic ,not this kind or that kind. I have been around some people who glory in that title and it is more pride than Catholic. Embracing all the truths the Church teaches is what it means to be Catholic.


    1. I don’t mind trads, but exorbitantly compensated lay grifters like Skojek, Zmirak, Voris, Thug Brothers are obviously gritting gatekeepers.

      Who pays Skojek’s 160k salary so he can booze up and embarrass himself in Twitter late at night while he shills for the Scamdemic?

      His hostility to faithful Catholics hasn’t gone unnoticed, and it’s pretty evil to attack your constituency that provides you with top shelf booze.

  4. Where did you find out he makes $160K?
    I think he's fortunate to be married to a
    Chinese realtor or else he'd be living in a
    💩-hole like Mark Shea

  5. He shot his mouth off and said he made $175. Then his donations tried up. He's pretty tight lipped now.

  6. I need to give up these crazy shifts, quit paying malpractice insurance, and start blogging.
    Where do I sign up?

  7. Amen to that!
    If I can pull down that kind of dough, running my mouth, then sign me up.
    I talk too much anyway. Might as well get paid for it.

  8. These comments, indeed this blog, is not very Christian.

  9. It's kind of embarrassing how (some) catholic internet personalities are always asking for money to meet monthly goals. They remined me of Jimmy Swaggart or Jim Bakker back in the 80's televangelist heyday. I understand the need of funding to keep the blogs, YT channel, etc., but that doesn't include your living expenses.

  10. Strange how Steve uses a Trump prophecy article to tear into LifeSite for being "sensationalistic", just two days ahead of a WherePeterIs hit piece that uses the same Trump prophecy article to also attack LifeSite for being "sensationalistic".

    I don't know if his instincts are failing him or if it's something more nefarious, but the reasons to not trust Skojec are starting to pile up.

  11. I don’t mind people making money for quality content, but why support people who work against your religious and political aspirations, and even tells you virtually every day that he despises you?

  12. The most neutral way to evaluate these things is to track real estate transactions. These are public. It is how I made my final determination on the Medjugorgie thing. I later learned of the controversial aspects.

  13. What a clever come back Tancred! You are very skilled at reparte.

  14. You’re very skilled at squatting, Peter.

  15. I'd be careful with referencing that PriestsHaveBecomeACesspool site. The dude's a little bit off. Amusing, but off.
