Friday, July 24, 2020

Voris Disparages Opus Dei — New Perspective?

Edit: Stop Voris found this youtube video interview between Patrick Coffin and Michael Voris.  Coffin asks Voris what he thinks of Opus and Voris claims he has no connection with them. He even disparages Opus and admits he did receive a donation from an Opus member, but no big whoop.  Voris. Sure, someone gives a substantial donation and they have no influence,
do they?

I got this from Randy Engel not long after she became aware of the video:

Hi Everyone – I was not acquainted with Mr. Coffin or his show prior to seeing this video so I had no biases either way.

Although Coffin said he wasn’t associated with Opus, this isn’t exactly true. First, Coffin worked with Catholic Answers which has strong Opus connections. He said he was not a member in any form, but attended OD Hours of Recollection. In any case, Coffin is openly pro-Opus. 
 I mention this because I think when Coffin brought up Opus, he was expecting to have Michael also comment favorably which is, happily,  not the case. 

Happy viewing, Randy 

PS Also of interest are the comments in favor of Bishop Sheen late in the video. Sheen denied Genesis and believed that Teilhard de Chardin should be up for sainthood. Good grief!

Voris comments on Opus begin at 15:40.



  1. Dear Tancred. The word ideas of Sheen..Do you have source for them?

    1. Sorry ABS, but it wouldn’t shock me if Sheen said that.

    2. I found this though:


  2. Gays hold grudges and have nasty breakups. Perhaps there was more passed between Voris and OD than a little cash.

  3. Watching 5 minutes of Patty Cakes and Gary qualifies for my Friday Penance.

  4. I think it's excellent that you and your minions here do your hell-bent-best to isolate and to denounce other Catholics who are apparently far more effective at defending and promoting the Church than you are. I wish I had your clarity and secret gnostic knowledge to be able to identify and isolate these threats!

    Know that we appreciate your help destroying the True Faith. Persevere.....solve et coagula!

    1. You sound buttmad.

      SSPX Chapels are more full than ever. Tell me how effective Opus Voris has been in accomplishing something.


  5. Opus Gary’s past and manners discredit anything good he has to say.

  6. Dear Tamcred. Little shocks ABS for he is aware at just how joyous was the reaction of FJ Sheen to Vatican Two

  7. Dear Tancred. Thanks for the link to TIA on FJ Sheen

  8. I think it's excellent that you and your minions here do your hell-bent-best to isolate and to denounce other Catholics who are apparently far more effective at defending and promoting the Church than you are. I wish I had your clarity and secret gnostic knowledge to be able to identify and isolate these threats!

    Know that we appreciate your help destroying the True Faith. Persevere.....solve et coagula!

    Dear Anonymous. If you think Tancred is bad, don't read the New Testament which instructs the faithful to identify and then shun heretics.

    O, and what Tancred is writing about is not secret knowledge- although many wish it had remained hidden

  9. Occasionally saying stupid things is an occupational hazard of being in the media the way Sheen was.
    He was wrong on Teilhard and he was wrong on V2 (at the time).

    But the latter Sheen suffered for the Faith in a way that no Churchman would do today. He wouldn't let a dubia go 1,400 days.

  10. When did he start wearing the blond wig?

  11. You are supposed to believe that his hair was naturally bleached by the sun.
    Please play along with the delusion. Otherwise, she gets a little snippy about it.

  12. She?
    Do you mean Virus or Budgie?

  13. There was a time when I remember deleting comments that disparaged Virus’ sexuality. My how things have changed!
