Friday, July 17, 2020

North American College Has Pervasive Aberrosexual Predator Culture

Edit: seen this before myself. Sodomite clergy gets mad when one finds their degeneracy to be degenerate.

One of the recurring features of this situation is that the episcopacy will sometimes apologize and promise reform, but then nothing happens. 

[Complicit Clergy]
Your Eminences/Excellencies,
I regret to inform you that my investigation into allegations of clerical misconduct at the Pontifical North American College (NAC) has revealed that the problems of heterophobia and retaliatory seminary homosexual subcultures is much broader than I had originally reported. Not only have present and past NAC seminarians spoken confidentially of how seminarians were reprised against for addressing this problem, but many of them identified gay subcultures at seminaries they attended even prior to studying in Rome (e.g, Pontifical College Josephinum, St. Joseph’s in Dunwoodie, St. John’s near Boston, etc.).
Insofar as neither the Vatican nor the U.S. Episcopacy has taken action to investigate the allegations reported to the Apostolic Nuncio, Archbishop Christophe Pierre; Cardinal Beniamino Stella, and others, I feel it necessary to offer an “immigration advisory” to the episcopal conferences of countries that have contributed the largest number of seminarians and priests to serve in the United States in recent years.
The following translated letter, available also in its original Polish format, will provide you with an example of the warning that will be conveyed to various episcopal conferences in their respective languages.



  1. If you want a comfy life where the Big Money Church will take care of you....become a priest! No wonder that job attracts the malakos. No wonder real men won't do that work!

  2. Is there any place someone with a vocation can be safe from these preverts and skittles?

  3. The poofs in this diocese have been their cowardly, lazy selves since COVID started.
    It is the perfect excuse to work 3 hours a week, not do their duties, and blame
    "COVID" !!!!
    I had the misfortune of attending a funeral N.O. Mass of a relative, recently.
    The idiot priest (an old, fussy, pansy, I am sure) was so wrapped up in telling everyone to wash their hands, wear the mask, stay apart, yada-yada-yada that he forgot to put the large host on his Paten. He had to leave the altar at the Offertory and root around in the Sacristy to retrieve one.
    There is none of this nonsense in my usual TLM Parish.

  4. The Pontifical North American College was founded in the year 1859 by Pope Pius IX. As the college's founder, Pope Pius wanted to make sure that new college would have a suitable home in a former Dominican and Visitation convent on the Via dell'Umiltà. From a handful of seminarians in 1859, by 1870 there were nearly 60 seminarians in residence. By 1882, almost 100.
    Until the start of the Second World War, all the college's students lived at the old campus in the heart of the city. During the war, the various national seminaries in Rome such as the Pontifical North American College, and that of the Irish,Scots, French, etc. were temporarily closed by Pope Pius XII and non-Italian students returned to their home countries. When the war ended and the seminaries re-opened, the Catholic Church in the United States had experienced such an increase in vocations to the priesthood that the old campus was way too small for the seminarians whom United States bishops wanted to send to Rome for their priestly formation and university studies. IN response, the Roman Catholic bishops of the United States planned the construction of a new seminary complex on the Janiculum Hill overlooking the Vatican. The complex was built on the grounds of Villa Gabrielli al Gianicolo, property which bishops had purchased in 1926 exactly for such an eventuality.
    Pope Pius XII dedicated the newly built seminary complex on 14 October 1953. The seminary before VAtican II had close to 300 seminarians. Here in Philadelphia it was common for the great Archbishop of Philadelphia, Dennis CArdinal Dougherty (1865-1951), (archbishop 1918-1951), to routinely send 20-30 seminarians per year to study at the Pontifical North American College. Philly back then boasted about 560 seminarians at Saint Charles Seminary in Overbrook(Merion), Pa., so it was seen not only as a reward for outstanding students, but to make room for the yearly influx of 65-80 new men a year.
    The North American College dropped from close to 300 in 1960, to 160-70 by the late 1970's early 1980's, but experienced a rather unexpected boom from 2005-13 when enrollment climbed to over 230 again with the brief, and sadly short by his own design, the reign of Pope Benedict XVI. The trigger for the mini boom was Benedict XVI appearing at least to be a traditional Pope, compared to his last 2 predecessors, and by the allowance for the TLM with Summorum Pontificum. An extra floor was even renovated to accomodate the expected oontinued influx.
    But, like in the whole Church, vocations and enrollment plunged with the election and agenda of the current Pope Francis....and went from about 240 in 2012, to the present 180 or so now......probably will be alot less when the COVID-19 restrinctions are lifted and students return.
    The seminarians have not worn soutanes/cassocks for 45 years, but they used to wear a black soutain with I believe a blue or red sash and red buttons on the cassock. Red-white and blue theme, just like the English and Scots college wore shades of purple(and still do...but not on the streets except special days). The German College used to have bright red soutanes with black saturno platter hats. All wonderful things wiped away by Vatican II.
    Seminarians who did cling to the cassock I've been told were persecuted, and given the insulting name of "Sister"., while the other seminarians "the macho guys", slummed around in open necked black clerical shirts or lay clothes. Ironic, because very many of the macho type in jeans and shirts turned out to be homosexual pedophiles 30 years later.
    Not surprised of this homo subculture.

    Let's hope we get an entirely new and traditional agenda Pope later this year.

    Damian M. Malliapalli

  5. The place is a cesspool of careerists, effete in breds, Zuhlsdorf Latin Mass groupies and psychosexual time bombs. The place explains a great deal about just how diseased the United States episcopal conference really is.

  6. With the US bishops once again cracking down on Latin Masses and outlawing tongue 👅 communion, I suspect they’ll have fewer homos to send to the NAC.
