Friday, July 31, 2020

Horrors! Monsignor Pope Has Corona! Meanwhile — Converso Gloats Over Monsignor Diagnosed With Corona



  1. yep....she's a real piece of work. Her 'prayers' are no doubt tantamount to Piglosi's for Trump.

    He didn't "mock" anyone; he stated wisdom.
    She's another Shea...vicious and dripping with duplicity.

  2. In the Weltanschauung of Fraulein? Goldstein, Covid is the wrathful daemon of mother Gaia infecting all who left their AC on too long or too high while also neglecting to recycle. On the other hand Fraulein Goldstein ardently proclaims at every poosible moment the blithe vigor of RBG who despite being infected with every malignancy known to science effortlessly performs the Shen Yun routine with her adoring young law clerks at SCOTUS

  3. Pico Della MirandolaJuly 31, 2020 at 7:00 PM

    Last week you were all throwing crap at Jews, Blacks, Masons and Pope Francis. How quickly the pathological fixations alter focus.

  4. I only knew I had covid because my employer required I be tested. May all my colds or future illnesses be this uneventful. In fact, I feel sicker reading Goldstein’s post than I ever did when Covid+

  5. O, that's just Goldstein's two minutes of hate.

  6. I have never heard of her, but I am assuming that she is either a jewess by birth or married to one.
    She is a nasty piece of work.

  7. I work with a man who went to the doctor. He had all of the advertised symptoms: ultra high fever, sore joints... Doctor says, "You have walking pneumonia."

    Another guy at the other shop leaves work in an ambulance. Super high fever. The whole schmeel. Doctor says, "Bad flu." Both guys back to work in a couple days.

    This is New York.
    Corona doesn't exist.

  8. Pico Della MirandolaAugust 2, 2020 at 12:33 AM

    Hey, JJ, tell that to the 153,000 who are alleged to have died from the non-existent Corona.

  9. 12:33

    Glad that you used the word "alleged".
    I work in a major medical center and am privy, daily, to this ridiculous, overblown farce named COVID.
    Does COVID exist? Yes.
    Is it the "emergency" that is crammed down our throat hourly? No.

    Last weekend our Medical ICU had 16 empty beds in a 20 bed unit.

  10. I regularly serve doctors. They’re not wearing masks most of them.

  11. We've fallen so far down the slope of Godlessness that it's normal for a busy body dizzy headed broad to shame a Catholic prelate in public.
    I feel ashamed.

  12. Mark Shea is all over this shit. I think his prayers are insincere.
